War in Ukraine lack of enthusiasm on Russian TV and

War in Ukraine, lack of enthusiasm on Russian TV and images of mutilated soldiers: “It will take 15 years to denazify”

The consequences for the military also appear on Russian channels to fly and the sufferings of war in Ukraine. A glimmer of transparency after months uninterrupted propagandaduring which, specifically on March 5th, the duma he also found time to approve one New disinformation law with the stated intention of restricting “fake news, punishment up to 15 years imprisonmentin relation to the forces involved in the Ukraine conflict, and also prohibits the use of terms such as “War” or “Invasion” in favor of “Military Special Operation”. According to reports from the republic, pictures of the Russians have also appeared on the Russians’ screens in the past few days National Army soldiers mutilated and opinions as opposed to the triumphant narrative we have witnessed so far.

The first signal was registered on March 25, when the Ministry of Defense announced it for the second time since the conflict began Number of Russian fatalities in Ukraine: 3,845. Nothing to do with the nearly 20,000 he’s talking about Kyiv, but still recording thousands of deceased young Kremlin soldiers. And some of them appeared mutilatednationally on television when the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Aleksandr Fominvisited the wounded returning from Ukraine, who was hospitalized in the central military hospital Wischnewski from Moscow. Nine young people are awarded the Order of Courage: Only one could walk despite the loss of an arm, all others were in a wheelchair. Images broadcast by Pervyj Kanal, the most visited Russian channel in the country Wladimir Putin.

While on Rossiya 1, the secondbiggest channel by viewership, more than one rumor surfaced during the popular talk show 60 Minutes, belittling the success of the Russian military operation. The political scientist Vitaly Tretyakov, he explained, for example, that “the situation is serious. We have to admit that there was no psychological breakthrough in our operation where the other side lost the will to resist. The Ukrainian resistance neither stops nor weakens. The military expert Igor KorotchenkoInstead, he hypothesized that “they will at least serve 1520 years for the process of denazification of Ukraine “, while the deputy and former general Vladimir Shamalov said that in order to “reeducate” at least two generations of Ukrainians before they accept the Russian presence, “we can foresee that we will remain in the country 30 or 40 years“.

In support of the new line hypothesis came statements by the Secretary of Defense, Sergei Shoigu: “In general he said the main objectives of the first phase of the operation have been completed. The military potential of the Ukrainian armed forces was significantly reduced, which made it possible to focus the main attention and efforts on achieving the main goal, the liberation of Ukraine DonbassNothing to do with the country’s “denazification” project. Whether it’s a military strategy or a way to prepare the populace for a halved victory, peace talks will clarify.