War in Ukraine live We are not in a dead

War in Ukraine, live: “We are not in a dead end,” assures Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Cover photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference in Kiev, November 4, 2023. ANATOLII STEPANOV / AFP

  • The US announced on Friday new military aid for Ukraine worth $425 million (396 million euros). This particularly includes anti-aircraft weapons. This new tranche was approved by the US Congress at the end of September and “exhausts the remaining funds currently available,” the Pentagon specifies in its press release.
  • Russian forces are still trying to surround Avdiivka, the Ukrainian General Staff reported on Friday morning. “The Russians continue to try to encircle Avdiivka. However, the Ukrainian soldiers held their ground and inflicted heavy losses on the Russian occupying forces. » According to the Ukrainian General Staff, Ukrainian forces held back Russian advances near Avdiivka and repelled Russian attacks near Sieverne (6 kilometers west of Avdiivka), Tonenke (8 kilometers west) and Pervomaisk (11 kilometers southwest).
  • Moscow denied on Thursday that it was at an “impasse” in the Ukraine conflict. The Kremlin disputes the views of the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valery Zaluzhny, on the situation at the front. Asked for his opinion, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “Russia is persecuting.”[vait] relentlessly his special military operation. All set goals must be achieved. »
  • Volodymyr Zelensky appointed a new commander of the Ukrainian army’s special forces on Friday. Colonel Serhi Loupanchouk replaces Viktor Khorenko, who “will continue to conduct special missions within the Intelligence Committee.” [ukrainien] », announced the Ukrainian president, without specifying the reasons for this change.
  • At least nine people were killed in a Ukrainian attack in the occupied zone of Kherson Oblast on Friday, a local official from the Russian occupation authorities reported.
  • Despite his withdrawal from the nuclear test ban treaty Russia says it will continue to “respect the moratorium.” The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) was opened for signature in 1996 but never entered into force because it was not ratified by a sufficient number of the 40 states. Four countries that had nuclear facilities at the time of its creation.
  • Ukraine was attacked by a massive drone strike by Russia on the night of Thursday to Friday, only half of which was shot down. Mr. Zelensky said. “There were about forty last night [drones de fabrication iranienne] Shahid. “More than half of them were shot down,” Mr. Zelensky wrote on Telegram, confirming that there had been “impacts” on the ground.
  • The German Foreign Minister supports the start of Ukraine’s EU accession negotiations in December. Annalena Baerbock presented the enlargement of the European Union as a geostrategic necessity and reiterated that the Twenty-Seven would have to carry out profound reforms in order to be able to operate with more than thirty members. Dmytro Kuleba, the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, said he was “optimistic.”
  • Washington sanctions new foreign companies that participate in the Russian war effort. The US Treasury Department announces the strengthening of sanctions against one hundred and thirty individuals and entities – particularly in China, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates – that participate in trade exchanges that allow Russia to acquire “technologies and equipment necessary for its war effort.” to supply in Ukraine.
  • According to the Duma, the Wagner group no longer exists. According to Andrei Kartapolov, chairman of the Duma Defense Committee, “the group has been completely disbanded and most of its fighters are in the process of joining other structures.” Some of them continue to carry out missions in African countries, but, for example, under a different name and under the patronage of the Ministry of Defense. Others signed a contract with the armed forces, others joined the Russian National Guard [Rosgvardia] “.

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