War in Ukraine new US aid arrives Today Zelensky meets

War in Ukraine, new US aid arrives. Today Zelensky meets Biden in the White House

The Ukrainian president is in Washington for a bilateral meeting with his US counterpart. First, a stop on Capitol Hill, where he met the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican Kevin McCarthy, and the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer. Then the visit to the Pentagon, where an interview with Secretary of State Lloyd Austin is planned. Finally the White House

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After the opening of the UN Security Council on the war in Ukraine on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Washington, where he will meet his US counterpart Joe Biden today – around 9 p.m. Italian time. According to White House sources, Biden intends to use this opportunity to announce a significant new military aid package for Kiev (ALL UPDATES ON THE WAR IN UKRAINE – THE SPECIAL).

Zelensky: “Negotiations on air defense are taking place in Washington today”

“Today the negotiations in Washington are important. Air defense for Ukraine is one of the main issues,” Zelensky wrote on Telegram. During the night, “Russian terrorists launched another massive attack. Especially on the infrastructure. Most of the rockets were shot down. But only the majority. Not all of them,” the Ukrainian president added, declaring that he was “thankful to all countries for this.” have already provided Ukraine with missile defense systems. We are working to completely deprive Russia of its terrorist potential. We have to achieve that. More air defense systems. More sanctions. More support for Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines. Russian terror must lose. “

epa10870096 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky speaks during the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly at United Nations Headquarters in New York, New York, USA, September 19, 2023. EPA/JUSTIN LANE

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Zelensky’s visit

Before Zelensky met Biden in the White House, he went to Capitol Hill: Here he met the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican Kevin McCarthy, and the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer. McCarthy is among those who have called on Biden to stop issuing blank checks to Ukraine. Then the Kiev leader will go to the Pentagon, where he will meet with Secretary of State Lloyd Austin. At around 3 p.m. local time, 9 p.m. in Italy, Zelensky will have a bilateral meeting with Biden.

epa10870096 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky speaks during the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly at United Nations Headquarters in New York, New York, USA, September 19, 2023. EPA/JUSTIN LANE

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Zelensky’s speech to the UN

Yesterday, in his speech to the United Nations, Zelensky called on Russia to give up its veto power: “It is impossible to stop the war because all actions have the aggressor’s veto,” the Ukrainian leader said, speaking for the first time since The invasion of Ukraine continued in the same room with a Russian leader, UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya, because Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov arrived later, after the Ukrainian leader had already left. “Most of the world” recognizes that Russia’s actions in Ukraine are “criminal and unprovoked” and aimed at seizing Ukrainian territory and resources, but the Security Council “is stuck in a stalemate due to Moscow’s veto,” Zelensky accused who then renewed his 10-point peace plan and reiterated Russia’s withdrawal and the restoration of borders before the invasion of Crimea in 2014 as an essential prerequisite. Moscow had tried to prevent Zelensky from speaking first, arguing that doing so would “undermine the authority of the Security Council,” making it the theater of a “one-man show.” But Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, the incumbent president, responded: “There is a solution: stop the war, and President Zelensky will not speak.”

Zelensky at the UN

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At the beginning of War in Ukraine was one of the very first decisions of Volodymyr Zelensky to make it the reference point it quickly became for its people: the decision to do so Stay in your country. “I need ammunition, not a ride,” he replied to the Americans who proposed to him the evacuation. A clear stance that he inevitably exposes himself to Risks greater

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Already in March 2022a few weeks after Russia’s invasion, Zelensky’s advisor, Mikhail Podolyak (pictured) had told Ukrainska Pravda that the president had fled to a dozen assassination attempts organized – among others – by Chechens and Wagner members

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In case Zelensky should be killedApparently Kiev has a solid plan. Even the US Secretary of State said it last year Antony Blinken (pictured) during an interview with CBS News: “The Ukrainians have plans – which I won’t talk about or go into in detail – to ensure that there is what we would call.” “Continuity of Government” in a way”

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