War in Ukraine: Putin, refugees, the role of China… Jean-Yves Le Drian conference in Montpellier

This Monday, 7 March, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian was in Montpellier at a press conference as part of an informal meeting of European Union development ministers. Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, also took the floor.

Josep Borrell spoke first. Not surprisingly, we are talking about the offensive of Russia in Ukraine. “We are in the process of systematic destruction, not only military, but civilian.”

=34 DIRECT | Joint press conference @JY_LeDrian and from @JosepBorrellFEU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

\u2192 Informal meeting of European development ministers \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa #PFUE2022 https://t.co/372HXte2P6

— French diplomacy\ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa (@francediplo) March 7, 2022

“We already have 1.6 million refugees who have crossed the border and we expect up to 5 million. We haven’t seen such a large refugee movement since World War II. They must be welcomed by European countries.”

“We have already secured 100 million euros in aid for our partners. We worked for 500 million euros for Ukraine, as the President of the European Commission stated.”

Josep Borrell in Montpellier#Ukraine️ “We already have 1.6 million refugees who have crossed the border and we expect up to 5 million. We haven’t seen such a large refugee movement since World War II. They should be welcomed.”

— Midi Libre (@Midilibre) March 7, 2022

“In the future, we must move on to concrete and realistic proposals for the creation of a geopolitical Europe. We must be more resolute in defending our interests. The Ukrainian crisis has had a catalytic effect in this direction.”

Environmental issues were also discussed at this meeting, but in this context they seem to be secondary.

“Putin is looking for denial of Ukraine”

Then, Jean-Yves Le Drian spoke in turn: “Humanitarian assistance in the amount of 500 million euros has been announced by the European Union. We decided in France to allocate 100 million euros for refugees and moved.”

“What is required is the denial of Ukraine. Let her bend. The terms of President Putin’s negotiations are the terms of negotiations of subordination.

Jean-Yves Le Drian in Montpellier#Ukraine️ : “What is required is the denial of Ukraine. Let her bend. The terms of President Putin’s negotiations are the terms of negotiations on subordination.

— Midi Libre (@Midilibre) March 7, 2022

“What strikes me most is that the EU was united, quick in its decisions, strong and courageous. The Europe we have today is no longer the Europe it was ten days ago.”

What will be the role of China?

Josep Borrell: “I asked China to do everything possible to achieve a ceasefire, although China is closer to Russia. China can play an important role if it wants to find a solution through diplomacy.”

Jean-Yves Le Drian in Montpellier#Ukraine “China can put pressure on Russia, and the very fact of its abstention in the Security Council shows that there is no complete agreement between China and Russia.”

— Midi Libre (@Midilibre) March 7, 2022

Le Drian: “The President of the Republic will meet with the President of China tomorrow. China can put pressure on Russia, and the very fact of its abstention in the Security Council shows that there is no complete agreement between China and Russia.”

Jean-Yves Le Drian in Montpellier#Ukraine “We have the same scenario for the Russian headquarters, which is constantly repeated: shelling, humanitarian corridor, denunciation of the corridor, attempted negotiations, breakdown of negotiations and repeated shelling.”

— Midi Libre (@Midilibre) March 7, 2022

And the minister spoke again: “We are moving into a very difficult period, namely the period of sieges. However, we have the same scenario with the Russian sieges, which is repeated all the time: bombing, humanitarian corridor, exposure of the corridor, attempted negotiations, breakdown of negotiations and repeated bombardment. This is what happened in Aleppo. There is the principle of free humanitarian access everywhere, which is currently being violated. I do not share the concept of “humanitarian corridor”.