War in Ukraine She resisted the invasion live on TV

War in Ukraine: She resisted the invasion live on TV, Russian journalist Marina O

Marina Ovsiannikova, famous for holding up a sign in the middle of TV news urging viewers not to believe state propaganda, has been put on Moscow’s wanted list after fleeing her assigned residence to await his trial .

The 44-year-old Russian journalist was placed under house arrest for two months in August and faces up to 10 years in prison if found guilty of disseminating information about the Russian military that differs from the government’s.

Also read:
War in Ukraine: “Don’t believe the propaganda,” a woman bursts in with a sign denouncing the invasion live on Russian TV

State media Russia Today reported on Saturday that she had left and her whereabouts were unknown.

“My ex-wife left the place where the court had placed her under house arrest last night and fled in an unknown direction with my 11-year-old daughter,” her ex-husband said.

On Monday, Marina Ovsiannikova’s name appeared along with a photo on the Interior Ministry’s online list of refugees.

Russia passed a new law on March 4 criminalizing any criticism of its armed forces, eight days after invading Ukraine in what it calls a “special military operation”.