1651119893 War in Ukraine the second decree on sending arms to

War in Ukraine, the second decree on sending arms to Kyiv ready: towards a new aid list …

It was published in the Official Journal of Department of Defense the new decree in agreement with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and international cooperation and the economy and finance that empower assignment of arms to Ukraine. The last signed text April 22nd by the holders of the three departments (Guerini, Di Maio and Franco), consists three article. Publication is now expected to come into effect Official Journal.

The focus will be on the new interministerial decree on the new sending of Italian military aid to Kyiv the hearing of the Secretary of Defense, Lorenzo Guerinischeduled for Thursday copassir. We are moving towards presenting one new classified listas has already happened for that first tranche the help. In fact, Thursday’s hearing will serve to take stock of the situation in Ukraine, also in the light of the meeting that took place at the American base Ramstein in Germany, the “Consultation Group for Support to Ukraine” organized by the US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd James Austin and in which the representatives of more than 40 countriesalso outside of Europe Born andEU.

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“During the hearing, information will also be given about the new interministerial decree on sending equipment and weapons to Ukraine under Legislative Decree 14/2022,” said the President of Copasir, the senator Adolph Urso. The president of the parliamentary committee had explained in recent days the reasons that had led to not publishing the first list with the help that was rather “classified” not to publish it to risk not to inform our country and those who know it by attacking the Ukrainian people about what we are providing.” At least, Urso explained, informing Copasir, that works with all constraints confidentialityis equivalent to the information of houses of Parliament: “Copasir – explained Urso – is made up of representatives of all factions, in this way the government has informed all representatives of all factions”.

Guerini assured at the end of the Ramstein summit that Italy would continue to do so his part on the basis of the indications adopted by the Italian Parliament, which “announce a new dispatch of Italian military equipment necessary for the continuation of the support on the Ukrainian resistance “. The new decree will have “the same character as the previous tranche of aid provided on the basis of requests from Ukraine and in accordance with the decisions of Parliament”, Guerini put hand in hand. A reassurance that for which maybe not enough M5s who instead asks the Minister and Prime Minister to come and report to Parliament. Joseph With youIndeed, who met with its political secretariat on Tuesday, called for “the exchange on the political direction and the full possibility of knowing the programmatic interventions of the government” in relation to weapons.

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For the 5 stars, the new armaments package for Ukraine is needed justified stare off legit defense as “defined byArticle 51 of the Charter of Human Rights“. In short, Italy must under no circumstances commit to operations that can contribute to this escalation War. It’s not so much about”load“Weapons, light or heavy, just as much as”Scope“Aid: The M5 will oppose aid from Italy that can serve as”counteroffensive“To the Russian attack. An invasion wanted by Wladimir Putin that the 5-star Secretariat condemnation “Without ifs and without but“.