War in Ukraine These Disillusioned Russian Men Going to the

War in Ukraine: These Disillusioned Russian Men Going to the Front

By Alain Barlut

Posted yesterday at 6:50pm, updated yesterday at 7:05pm

They led “normal” lives, they are now mobilized to go to Ukraine and fight as Vladimir Putin decreed on Wednesday morning. OLGA MALTSEVA/AFP

REPORT – Recruitment is in full swing to go and fight in Ukraine, where referendums on joining Russia have begun.

correspondent in Moscow

The scene repeats itself, it’s almost comical. The men coming out of the Voïenkomat, the recruitment center, all have their phones taped to their ears and are talking loudly. You need to calm the family down quickly. In a matter of hours, the lives of these ordinary Russians have changed – they led “normal” lives, they are now mobilized to go to Ukraine and fight, as Vladimir Putin decreed on Wednesday morning. Such is the case of Georguy, 38, who met Friday morning in front of the center of Boutyrki Val, near the Belarusian railway station in Moscow. Engineer, he served in the army twenty years ago with the specialty “gunner”. But since then he hasn’t touched a gun and says he has lost his eyesight. Doesn’t matter. “They even take those who are very nearsighted,” he says. “I was just told to come back here at 3pm with my stuff. We will be taken by bus somewhere outside of Moscow where we will train. How long? And then? no one…

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