War in Ukraine Vladimir Putin judges NATO to be involved

War in Ukraine: Vladimir Putin judges NATO to be involved in conflict by supplying arms to Kiev

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10:30 p.m.: A year ago, France 2 told you the story of a father who wanted to place his children while his wife decided to stay in Ukraine to help her own mother. Both women were eventually killed. The “20 Hours” returned for news of this injured family.

10:06 p.m .: Vladimir Putin believes that NATO is involved in the war in Ukraine. “They are sending weapons worth tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine,” he accused. For his part, the Ukrainian President reports that Russia is currently occupying almost 1,900 Ukrainian towns and villages. As every day, franceinfo looks back at the highlights of the day on the war front.

6:56 p.m .: “Today, in my opinion, Putin thinks that he cannot win immediately, but that he cannot afford to lose.”

Given the difficulties his army is facing in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is convinced that he can achieve a final victory with attrition, the CIA chief analyzed in an interview with CBS (link in English).

1:32 p.m.: Good morning @kat. The head of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner yesterday called for the capture of the village of Yaguidné, located on the northern outskirts of Bachmout. The conquest of Yagidné further exacerbates the Russian vice around Bakhmout, since the village is less than two kilometers from the center of this fortified city. Russian forces have been trying to encircle Bakhmout for several weeks and have cut off several important supply routes for Ukrainian troops.

1:04 pm: Hello! What about the military situation in BAKHMUT? Is the Ukrainian army resisting the Russian army’s advance attempts? THANKS

12:09 p.m .: “The problem is not China’s inability, but its lack of will,” explained Marc Julienne, China specialist at the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), on the microphone of France Inter, then Beijing has just in Ukraine “proposals for the Peace” and Emmanuel Macron announced a trip to China at the beginning of April.

12:04 p.m.: “I survived two strikes. I don’t want it to happen a third time.” In the Donbass, children try to live a normal life despite the war. Reporting.

11.07 am: G20 finances fail to agree on joint press release related to Ukraine. They have been meeting in Bangalore since Friday, trying to agree on solutions to the challenges facing the global economy in the context of conflict and rising inflation.

10:50 a.m.: “Russians try to live normally, choosing a psychologically comfortable position, without talking about politics and not finding out too much about what is happening in Ukraine.”

With Zoé Aucaigne, we tell you how her conflict with Kiev turned Russia into “another country”.

War in Ukraine Vladimir Putin judges NATO to be involved

10.50 a.m .: Russian citizens are shrinking the last areas of freedom and inflation hits the poorest households. So why don’t people take to the streets?

10:50 a.m.: A year after the start of its invasion, Russia still looks triumphant through the voice of its president. But behind a pompous speech lies a country weakened by Western sanctions.

9:37 a.m .: According to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Russian army is currently occupying 1,877 Ukrainian towns and villages. These places are mainly in the east and south of the country, the Kyiv Independent daily reports. The Ukrainian President added that Mariupol, now under Russian control, is more than 90% destroyed. Follow our life.

09:23: Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an interview broadcast on the Rossiya-1 channel this Sunday, accused NATO of participating in the conflict in Ukraine by supplying arms to the armed forces of Kiev: “They are sending tens of billions of dollars weapons to Ukraine. That’s really participation”.

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