War in Ukraine what did Macron and Zelenskyy say to

War in Ukraine: what did Macron and Zelenskyy say to each other? RTL

Emmanuel Macron and Volodymyr Zelensky had a new phone interview this Saturday morning. An hour-long phone call in which the French President claimed that France will “increase” the sending of military equipment to Ukraine, as well as its humanitarian aid. to this country, announced the Elysée.

While the Ukrainian President thanked him for “sending large military equipment contributing to the Ukrainian resistance,” the French head of state indicated that this support, as well as French humanitarian aid, would continue to be increased. according to statement.

Emmanuel Macron insisted on “his desire to work actively during his second term Restoration of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukrainealways maintaining close coordination with its European and allied partners.” He also noted “France’s willingness to contribute to an agreement that offers security guarantees to Ukraine.”

The head of state also informed Volodymyr Zelenskyy about it his “concern” after the Russian bombings in Kyiv on Thursday and about “the intolerable situation in Mariupol, despite his repeated appeals to the Russian President to respect international humanitarian law”.

Transported more than 615 tons of equipment since the beginning of the war

French humanitarian aid to Ukraine is at this stage, according to Saturday’s Élysée “more than 615 tons of the equipment sent, including medical equipment, generators for hospitals, food aid, shelter aid and emergency vehicles”.

“The mission of French experts contributing to the collection of evidence to fight impunity and enable the work of the international judiciary in relation to crimes committed as part of the Russian aggression will be extended,” he added.

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