War in Ukraine: who are the “Kadyrovtsy”, those very violent Chechen detachments?

“Kadyrovtsy”, fighters of the internal army of Chechnya, were seen in the field of hostilities in Ukraine. They fight alongside the Russian army and are a real deterrent. It is known that in the service of Ramzan Kadyrov, these soldiers committed many particularly barbaric atrocities.

Fighting has been going on in Ukraine for more than 10 days. Vladimir Putin’s army is advancing, but with great difficulty. But the Russian president can count on Ramzan Kadyrov (Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov), the president of Chechnya. The latter has been in his service for several years and puts at the disposal of the security forces his closest guards – “Kadyrovites”.

barbarian soldiers

As 20 Minutes reported, these servicemen, who are in the service of the President of Chechnya, commit numerous acts of torture during the crossing. “They were involved in several operations abroad, such as in the Donbass in 2014 or as military police in Syria in 2016,” recalls Wassim Nasr, an expert on jihadist movements at France 24.

According to Wassim Nasr, specialist Aude Merlin recalls “acts of nameless cruelty” and even “against his own population.” Among their practices, many NGOs mention acts of torture, kidnappings, especially of homosexuals.

“I want to give advice to the president, the current president Zelensky, until he becomes the ex-president of Ukraine, so that he prefers increased pressure, to Supreme Commander Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and demanded an apology,” Ramzan Kadyrov said.

Video: RBC pic.twitter.com/UWR0Ga34Rn

— Novaya Gazeta (@novaya_gazeta) February 25, 2022

Psychological weapon?

It is this reputation that the Kremlin is using to whip up fear. Their presence is confirmed in Ukraine, in the north of the country and near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. “Chechens have a reputation for being barbarians. It’s like saying: “Behave yourself, we are sending people to you who are going to cut your throats,” analyzes Jérôme Pellistrandi, defense consultant for BFM-TV.

The psychological aspect is also confirmed by Wasim Nasr, who explains that “the Kadyrovites frighten the Ukrainians, they can influence the soldiers.” These troops, under the command of the so-called Kadyrov, were mobilized to the jihadist anthem on February 27, the journalist reported on Twitter.

In a message posted on Instagram the other day, Kadyrov threatened the Ukrainians very harshly: “Don’t run away, we want to finish you off, in the same place and in one fell swoop!”