War in Ukraine quotWorld War III and the use of

War in Ukraine: "World War III and the use of nuclear weapons are inevitable"new

Reactions on Russian state television are becoming increasingly hostile in their war rhetoric against the West. Since the sinking of the Russian warship Moskva, which was hit by a Ukrainian airstrike, not a week has passed without a guest speaking on a television set of a Russian state broadcaster about World War III or nuclear terrorism.

In the past few days, there has been less and less nuanced talk on all channels. First, it was the specter of World War III conjured up by Olga Skabeyeva on Russian state television Rossiya 1. After the attack and sinking of the flagship of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea, she had not hesitated to allow it to proceed in full emission, assuming that “the escalation that we are seeing can well be described as World War III”. It’s absolutely safe.”

Then, still in the same show, the participants of his show returned a few days later to the Russian army’s test of the ICBM “Sarmat”, nicknamed “Satan 2”. “If 7.5 megatons (explosives) were fired into our so-called partner’s territory (laughs on set), a city like New York would be completely wiped off the map with just one missile to avoid getting there”… The anti-Western cynicism is clearly shown on Russian public television.

Credit for the latest release comes from Margarita Simonyan, director of Russian news channel RT. “Either we lose in Ukraine, or World War III begins,” she said, still on the public television channel Rossiya 1.

Vladimir Putin will launch all-out nuclear war against the West instead of accepting defeat in Ukraine, Russia’s main propagandists have declared in the latest chilling threat from Moscow made by Margarita Simonyan and … https://t.co/kzPdj5w0tN https:/ /t.co/7Oj5qHHNe9

— Ronald Bannon (@RBannon1) April 28, 2022

“I think WWIII is the most realistic, knowing us and our leader Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The idea that everything will end in a nuclear attack strikes me as more likely than any other scenario.”

It must be said that Putin’s government is not pushing the dialogue towards appeasement, quite the opposite. Also on Russian state television earlier this week, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was questioned about the risk of military escalation and fears of ending up in World War III. Here is his answer: “The risks are now considerable,” he explained, in particular with regard to the support of Western countries or the alliance (NATO) for Ukraine. The official tone is therefore as worrying as the geopolitical context.

Вчера у Соловьева обсуждали превентивный ядерный удар России по всему миру 🙂

Лучше всех высказалась Симоньян – буквально сообщив аудитории, что Путин достаточно ёбнутый, чтобы бахнуть по планете, если украинские дела и дальше будут идти так же неважно, как они иду pic.twitter.com/wuSJ3aMB54

— Здесь Шепелин (@ilya_shepelin) April 28, 2022

Worrying words that also make the others in Washington react: “We are not attacking Russia, we are helping Ukraine to defend itself against Russian aggression,” said Joe Biden again. He also responded to Russian gas cuts in Europe, saying he would not be intimidated by “Moscow Europe. Threatening to use nuclear weapons is irresponsible,” Joe Biden said in the last few hours.