War is not an adventure

War is not an adventure

The French writer and war pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said: “War is not an adventure. War is a disease. Like typhoid. »

Sticking to this analogy, we can say that among humans, the so-called most evolved beings on planet Earth, there are obviously some who are seriously ill and are busy working on the architecture of mankind’s annihilation.

sad planet

Looting, rivalries, dominations, hostilities, tensions, intimidation, conflicts, provocations, rumors of wars, wars, invasions, we hear this and more and more. No peace or rumors of peace… But where is humanity headed?

Aristotle’s famous 2000-year-old proverb says that music softens morality…

And for centuries, the denunciations of renowned artists have challenged us and alerted us to wars and their treacherous foundations.

I am thinking in particular of Bob Marley, whose music and lyrics shook my childhood… The lyrics of his song War touched the hearts and inspired the minds of several peoples and generations.

Its chorus has been sung and rejected in several languages ​​around the world:

In English:

“War in the East

war in the west

war in the north

war in the south

war – war

[…] Everywhere is war

I say war…”

In French:

“War in the East

war in the west

war in the north

war in the south

war – war

[…] Everywhere is war

I say war…”

In Russian:

« Восточная война

Западная война

война север

Южная война

война – война

[…] война повсюду

Я сказал война… »

In Chinese:

« 东方战争





[…] 到处都是战争

我说战争……”, etc.

Unfortunately, whatever the language, the educative and soothing qualities of music have not always achieved their goal efficiently…

The specter of nuclear war

As we can see, war, that “disease” driven by a multitude of vested interests, is still there.

And wherever we live on our planet, it affects us all.

From the Middle East to the Korean Peninsula and the invasion of Ukraine, we play dangerously with fire.

And who really benefits from these wars? Certainly not for “normal population groups”.

Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, who has just raised the red flag in front of all mankind, is very concerned:

“Nearly 13,000 nuclear weapons are currently in arsenals around the world. All this at a time when proliferation risks are increasing and safeguards to prevent escalation are weakening…”

“Today, he says, humanity is just one misunderstanding, one miscalculation, from nuclear annihilation.”

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, few voices have been raised sincerely calling for peace.

In what language should it be sung in order to be understood?

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