1705088308 War is spreading in the Middle East US GB raid

War is spreading in the Middle East. US GB raid on Houthis in Yemen World Ansa.it

After weeks of warnings that went unheeded, retaliation has arrived. Overnight, the United States and Britain launched 73 raids against Houthi military posts in Yemen, which in turn attacked merchant ships in the Red Sea that were “linked to Israel” in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, they said.

This could be the first act of the much-feared escalation of the conflict in the Middle East: Yemeni rebels – who control a third of the country with support from Iran – have threatened a response and said they would now take all Anglo-American interests into account. legitimate goals”. -Americans in the world.

The mission was carried out by fighter jets and Tomahawk missiles from Washington and four British RAF Typhoon jets, hit “missile and drone launch sites” used against merchant shipping in the Red Sea. According to the Houthi spokesman, military positions in the capital Sanaa and in the governorates of Hodeida, Taëz, Hajjah and Saada were attacked, leaving “five fighters killed and six wounded.”

Learn more War is spreading in the Middle East US GB raid US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA Agency The stages of escalation in the Middle East – News – Ansa.it The attacks by the United States and the United Kingdom on the Houthi bases in Yemen are the latest development in a war that has been going on since October 7, the day Hamas attacks in Israel led to escalating tensions in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and the Red Sea. (HANDLING)

The order to attack came from Joe Biden after another Yemeni rocket targeted a transit ship on Thursday. The American president then said he wanted to respond to the Houthis for “endangering the freedom of navigation on one of the world’s most important waterways” and that he was ready to “order other operations.”

“We have sent a strong signal” to the Houthis, said British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during his visit to Kiev.

Since last November, former Shiite rebels now in power have launched 27 attacks in the Red Sea, a stretch of sea normally crossed by 12% of world trade: cargoes were therefore forced to reroute the route that passes through the Suez Canal to the south of the African continent, affecting procurement times, production and increasing prices. The latest missile, fired just hours after the attacks, fell into the water a few hundred meters from a ship, United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations said.

Video Yemen, thousands of people on the streets against the USA and Great Britain

“Our goal remains to reduce tensions and restore stability in the Red Sea.”the United States, the United Kingdom and eight of their allies: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand and South Korea said in a joint statement.

Italian government sources They announced that Rome had been asked to sign the same declaration – which it did not sign – but not to take part in the action. WhileEuropean Union is considering deploying “at least three destroyers or anti-aircraft frigates with multi-role capabilities” to the Red Sea for at least “one year,” although the rules of engagement have yet to be determined.

Learn more 1705088300 892 War is spreading in the Middle East US GB raid US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA agency The US warns Italy “but they have not asked to participate in raids” – News – Ansa.it Tajani “that would be unconstitutional”. The e is thinking about a new mission (ANSA)

Nighttime raids in Yemen condemned by so-called “Axis of Resistance”. which, supported by Iran, unites anti-Israel movements such as the Houthis, the Lebanese Hezbollah and Hamas itself, which defined the action as a “provocation against the Palestinian nation” and threatened “consequences”.

Tehran accused the US and UK of taking “arbitrary measures” and making “a strategic error”, as did Russia, which denounced a “destructive escalation” and called for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council.

“They want a bloodbath in the Red Sea,” responded Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan, accusing London and Washington of “disproportionate use of force.” “Concern” was expressed by Saudi Arabia – which has led a coalition of Arab countries against the Houthis since 2015 in favor of an allied government – and China, which had brokered a ceasefire in Yemen between the Saudis and Iranians.

An appeal to “reduce instability in the region” also came from Egypt, which is already trying to revive indirect negotiations between Israel and Hamas, and which is drawing revenue from the Red Sea both from commercial transit in the Suez Canal and from tourism receives income.

Learn more War is spreading in the Middle East US GB raid US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA Agency The stages of escalation in the Middle East – News – Ansa.it The attacks by the United States and the United Kingdom on the Houthi bases in Yemen are the latest development in a war that has been going on since October 7, the day Hamas attacks in Israel led to escalating tensions in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and the Red Sea. (HANDLING)

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