Since the outbreak of the conflict, the titles of the major defense groups have declined. Nothing unusual, it is clear that regardless of how and when the war in Ukraine will end, the defense budgets of many countries will increase in the coming years. Germany, Norway, Italy, Denmark they have already announced more or less significant revisions to their appropriations. As a result, stocks are like the US Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin they earned over 30% in less than a month. The third US defense giant is also up Raytheon Technologies. These are the companies that build the rockets, among other things spikes and spears which we hear a lot about in the Ukrainian scenario, in addition to Jet F35 so new orders are coming in. In Europe the same thing happened, even more so. The largest arms manufacturer German Rheinmetall it has almost doubled in value Hensoldt, Leonardo and Thales The British have waived increases of 50% bae systems it was limited to around 30% progress.
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But who is behind these big names in defense and armor? There are the big names in finance, more or less the usual ones, holding significant stakes in half of the world’s corporations. In the armaments industry, the United States particularly stands out Global advice from State Street, the fourth largest wealth manager in the world. She holds an interest in the 14.5% at Lockheed Martin, 9.2% in Raytheon Technologies and 9.5% in Northrop Grumann. Another major partner of the military industry is Vanguard, US company that manages over $5 trillion in assets. Owns 7.2% of Northrop Grumann, 7.2% of Lockheed Martin, the 7.5% Raytehon. It holds 2.8% of the shares in Germany’s Rheinmetall, 1.3% in France’s Thales, 1.9% in Leonardo and 0.7% in Hensoldt. Among the most recognizable names in finance, the ubiquitous is worth noting Blackrock which holds 4.1% Northrop Grumman , 4.8% by Lockheed Martin, 4.7% by Raytheon, 3% by Leonardo and 0.2% by British Bae Systems. Then there is JP Morgan, with stakes in Northrop Grumann (2.9%) and Raytheon (1.5%). Important shareholders are also investment groups Fidelity and capital research.
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The presence of the investment department in many of these groups is less predictable the Central Bank of Norway. “We are working to build security and financial prosperity for the new generations,” the website’s home page reads. Norway Bank is present in the shareholder structure of Rhineteall (2.5%), von Hensoldt (0.6%), Leonardo (0.6%), Thales (1.2%). What does it mean specifically to have these investments in your portfolio? Take State Street’s case, for example, one of the most representative. The three defense companies in which it has a presence saw an increase in total capitalization of about $35 billion. That means the value of its holdings has increased by 3.7 billion in one month. There is also someone who might uncork champagne despite everything.