War Ukraine is running out of artillery ammunition

War Ukraine is running out of artillery ammunition

The West is apparently running out of artillery ammunition and the Russian army is also firing far more than its own industry can produce. Military experts assume, therefore, among other things, that the war in Ukraine will slow down in the coming months. The US Secret Service recently said in a statement that the Russians are facing a considerable shortage of ammunition. Moscow is desperately trying to organize supplies, including in countries like North Korea. In any case, according to the US secret service, Russia has long ceased to be able to produce what is partially fired indiscriminately at the front.

“Low ammo”

But the West also faces significant problems. According to the Czech armaments group CSG, huge bottlenecks in artillery ammunition are also threatening here. “Artillery ammunition is a very scarce commodity these days,” says CSG Group owner Michal Strnad. He estimated that it would take 10 to 15 years to resupply Western armies due to Ukraine’s support in fighting the Russian invasion. The Ukrainian armed forces are already feeling the effects of this shortcoming, Strnad said. “The fact is that today Ukrainians are shooting less than they could because they don’t have enough ammunition.”

In addition, there are other signs of wear and tear on the front lines. Soldiers often stand in the mud for weeks without drying off. Dampness and disease (“ditch feet”) are causing problems for both Ukrainians and Russians. Military experts surmise that forces are being assembled on both sides for an upcoming spring offensive. If the ground freezes permanently in January and February, conditions for tanks, other vehicles and guns will improve, but the war must still be fought at half strength at most.