War Ukraine Russia the latest news today July 10th LIVE

War Ukraine Russia, the latest news today, July 10th. LIVE

On the eve of the NATO summit in Vilnius, US President Biden from London is reluctant to allow Kiev to join the alliance: “Kiev is not ready to join NATO, the war will end first”. Biden meets Sunak at Downing Street today and King Charles III. at Windsor Castle before traveling to Lithuania: “I think we need to chart a path but it’s premature to ask for a vote now”. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy says US aid must remain a political priority. Meanwhile, Kiev insists on cluster munitions: important for\n


Restore parity on the battlefield. And while Moscow is commemorating an incident in Zaporizhia during the NATO summit, explosions are being recorded in Mykolaiv and anti-aircraft warnings are in place in four regions.




· Russia, the march of the rebels without firing a shot. What happened


· Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive Maps


· Tactical nuclear weapons: what they are, the differences from strategic weapons, the effects


· Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO


· Zelensky’s story from former comedian to war president. PHOTO


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“,”postId”:”06bc4527-9d55-43a6-9719-2fe6c10f97f4″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T06:19:34.925Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 08:19:34+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Gerasimov in video, prima volta da rivolta Wagner”,”content”:”

Il generale Valerij Gerasimov, capo di Stato maggiore delle forze armate russe, è apparso in un video pubblicato dal ministero della Difesa. Si tratta della sua prima apparizione in pubblico dalla rivolta armata del gruppo Wagner del 24 giugno. Il filmato mostra Gerasimov, che viene identificato con il suo titolo di Capo di Stato maggiore, durante una riunione, ieri, in cui spiega come le forze armate russe abbiano sventato un attacco missilistico ucraino contro la


Crimea e le regioni di Rostov e Kaluga. Gerasimov sarebbe stato rimosso dall’incarico dal presidente russo Vladimir Putin, formalmente mantenendo la carica di capo di Stato maggiore. Secondo notizie circolate nei giorni scorsi al suo posto  potrebbe subentrare il generale Mikhail Teplinsky, da un anno comandante delle truppe aeree. Gerasimov e il ministro della Difesa Sergej Shoigu erano stati i principali bersagli degli attacchi del leader del gruppo Wagner, Evgenij Prigozhin.

“,”postId”:”f6ad6523-b888-4518-acf6-14e33fdd45db”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T06:05:04.839Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 08:05:04+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev: bombe russe sul distretto di Nikopol “,”content”:”

Le forze russe hanno attaccato nelle ultime ora il distretto di Nikopol, nella regione di Dnipropetrovsk: lo ha reso noto su Telegram il capo dell’Amministrazione militare regionale, Sergiy Lysak. Per il momento non si registrano vittime e \”l’entità dei danni causati dai proiettili russi è ancora in fase di chiarimento\”, ha aggiunto l’alto funzionario precisando che ieri sera è stata attaccata la comunità di Marganets e durante la notte è stata presa di mira con l’artiglieria pesante la città di Nikopol

“,”postId”:”f93fc11e-f994-470e-9dba-96939913464f”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T05:58:45.488Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 07:58:45+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina: bombardamenti russi contro la regione di Sumy nel nord est”,”content”:”

Bombardamenti russi hanno colpito la regione nord orientale ucraina di Sumy, vicino al confine con la Russia. Lo ha denunciato l’amministrazione locale in un post su Telegram. Sono state registrate 11 esplosioni. Ma non ci sono state vittime o danni alle infrastrutture civili. Alla fine di giugno Kiev ha sollecitato i residenti delle zone di confine di Sumy a lasciare le loro case.

“,”postId”:”3fcceb59-9a2c-46e2-95d2-3791ac9cf357″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T05:50:52.440Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 07:50:52+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca: respinti 70 attacchi in direzione Lugansk”,”content”:”

Le forze armate russe hanno respinto più di 70 attacchi dell’esercito ucraino nella direzione di Lugansk in una settimana. Lo rende noto il tenente colonnello Andrey Marochko secondo quanto riporta la Tass. \”Durante la scorsa settimana, le forze armate della Federazione Russa hanno respinto circa 72 attacchi nemici nella direzione tattica di Lugansk. Piu’ di 2.600 militanti e mercenari ucraini sono stati eliminati\”, ha detto.

“,”postId”:”7ca69ea8-4c2d-47f4-b0aa-92097a88b902″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T05:50:17.232Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 07:50:17+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Viceministra difesa Kiev: forze avanzano a sud di Bakhmut”,”content”:”

Le truppe ucraine registrano una \”netta avanzata\” sul fianco sud della citta’ di Bakhmut, nell’est del Paese. Lo ha reso noto su Telegram la viceministra della Difesa ucraina, Hanna Malyar. \”Nella direzione di Bakhmut, il nemico è sulla difensiva. Feroci combattimenti sono continuati nelle aree meridionali di Melitopol e Berdyansk\” ha affermato spiegando che l’esercito di Kiev sta consolidando i successi in quelle aree

“,”postId”:”f7112ba2-ebf6-4e01-ba5b-0bc77136085a”},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T04:51:15.342Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 06:51:15+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, corsa dei russi all’acquisto di case a Mariupol”,”content”:”

La città simbolo della prima fase della guerra movimenta il mercato immobiliare russo. Fioriscono i siti di vendita e di affitti delle case nel centro che si affaccia sul mar d’Azov. Mosca sostiene di aver ristrutturato, a marzo di quest’anno, 1.829 edifici e ricostruito 36 condomini con un prezzo medio per appartamento che si aggira sui tre milioni di rubli, l’equivalente di 30mila euro. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”0e8e3f3b-accd-4293-bd5d-e27956003214″},{“timestamp”:”2023-07-10T04:50:50.343Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-07-10 06:50:50+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Wagner, tra l’esilio in Bielorussia e l’Africa: come cambierà l’esercito di Prigozhin”,”content”:”

Il capo dei miliziani russi starebbe già scontando il suo \”esilio\” nel Paese di Minsk, come confermato dal presidente Lukashenko. E i suoi soldati, stimati intorno ai 25mila? \”\”Siamo a breve distanza dal confine bielorusso con l’Ucraina\”, fa sapere il loro responsabile dell’addestramento alle armi pesanti. E aggiunge: la milizia \”lavora in Siria, Libia, Repubblica Centrafricana, Mali\”. L’APPROFONDIMENTO

“,”postId”:”7bed40f0-cc75-4997-a4c0-1045cb3248c7″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “c437cd6a-e01b-428a-bf75-db70646e20fc”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”:1} ‘>

On the eve of the NATO summit in Vilnius, US President Biden from London is reluctant to allow Kiev to join the alliance: “Kiev is not ready to join NATO, the war will end first.” Biden will meet Sunak in Downing Street and King Charles today III at Windsor Castle before traveling to Lithuania: “I think we need to chart a path, but it’s premature to ask for a vote now.” Ukrainian President Zelenskyy says US aid must remain a political priority. Meanwhile, Kiev insists on cluster munitions: important for

Restore parity on the battlefield. And while Moscow is commemorating an incident in Zaporizhia during the NATO summit, explosions are being recorded in Mykolaiv and anti-aircraft warnings are in place in four regions.


· Russia, the march of the rebels without firing a shot. What happened

· Dam explosion in Ukraine: the event and its consequences. Interactive Maps

· Tactical nuclear weapons: what they are, the differences from strategic weapons, the effects

· Why Moscow invaded Ukraine, from historical reasons to tensions with NATO

· Zelensky’s story from former comedian to war president. PHOTO

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less than a minute ago

Gerasimov on video for the first time since the Wagner uprising

General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, appeared in a video released by the Defense Ministry. It is his first public appearance since the Wagner Group’s armed uprising on June 24. Footage shows Gerasimov, identified by his title as Chief of Staff, during a meeting yesterday where he explained how the Russian military foiled a Ukrainian missile attack on the Russian military

Crimea and Rostov and Kaluga regions. Gerasimov was allegedly removed from office by Russian President Vladimir Putin and formally retained his post as chief of staff. According to news circulating over the past few days, General Mikhail Teplinsky, who has been the commander of the Air Force for a year, could take his place. Gerasimov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu were the main targets of the Wagner squad leader Yevgeny Prigozhin’s attacks.

14 minutes ago

Kiev: Russian bombs on Nikopol district

Russian forces have attacked the Nikopol district in the Dnepropetrovsk region in the last hour, the head of the regional military administration, Sergiy Lysak, told Telegram. At the moment, no casualties have been reported and “the extent of the damage caused by Russian bullets is still being clarified,” added the senior official, specifying that the municipality of Marganets was attacked last night and targeted shelling in the night city of Nikopol with heavy artillery

20 minutes ago

Ukraine: Russian bombardment of Sumy region in north-east

Russian shelling hit the north-eastern Ukrainian region of Sumy, near the border with Russia. The local administration condemned this in a post on Telegram. 11 explosions were registered. However, there were no casualties or damage to civilian infrastructure. At the end of June, Kiev ordered residents of the Sumy border areas to leave their homes.

28 minutes ago

Moscow: Repelled 70 attacks towards Lugansk

Russian forces repelled more than 70 attacks by the Ukrainian army towards Lugansk in a week. This was announced by Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Marochko, according to reports from Tass. “Over the past week, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation repelled about 72 enemy attacks in the Lugansk Tactical Directorate. More than 2,600 Ukrainian militants and mercenaries were eliminated,” he said.

29 minutes ago

Kiev Deputy Defense Minister: Forces are advancing south of Bakhmut

Ukrainian troops register a “clear advance” on the southern flank of the city of Bakhmut in the east of the country. This was announced by Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine Hanna Malyar via telegram. “In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy is on the defensive. Fierce fighting continued in the southern regions of Melitopol and Berdyansk,” he said, explaining that the Kiev army is consolidating its victories in these areas


Ukraine, Russians rush to buy houses in Mariupol

The symbolic city of the first phase of the war moves the Russian real estate market. Real estate sales and rental spaces are thriving in the center with a view of the Azov Sea. Moscow says it renovated 1,829 buildings and reconstructed 36 condominiums as of March this year, at an average price per apartment of around three million rubles. READ THE ARTICLE


Wagner, Between Exile in Belarus and Africa: How Prigozhin’s Army Will Change

The head of the Russian militia is already serving his “exile” in the country of Minsk, as confirmed by President Lukashenko. And its soldiers, estimated at around 25,000? “We’re not far from the Belarusian border with Ukraine,” says their head of heavy weapons training. And he adds: The militia “works in Syria, Libya, the Central African Republic, Mali”.