1700400538 Warning Planet Earth is in danger Asteroids are approaching the

Warning: Planet Earth is in danger! Asteroids are approaching, the time for vigilance has come! – Tameteo.com

AsteroidsSeveral asteroids threaten Earth! Marc Hay Marc Hay November 19, 2023 1:00 p.m. 7 min

Asteroids lurk in the quiet darkness of space, potential threats hovering over our planet. Their irregular flight paths sometimes bring them close to Earth, We raise concerns and questions about our vulnerability to these celestial behemoths. But what threat do these asteroids really pose to our world and how vigilant should we be?

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In this article we delve into the dark cosmic sky to take a close look at the asteroids lurking nearby, and we will determine if the alarm time has sounded.

Asteroids: Rocks from space

asteroids, these rock and metal fragments, are the remnants of the original solar system. There are different types of asteroids, each with their own properties. The three main groups are C, S and M type asteroids, each made of different materials. The number of asteroids is enormous, over a million of them are listed. However, there are likely many more that have not yet been discovered.

Asteroids: a real threat

Asteroids have hit Earth in the past with dramatic consequences. One of the most infamous examples is The asteroid impact led to the extinction of the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago. More recently, in 1908, an asteroid exploded in the atmosphere over Siberia, destroying thousands of acres of forest.

Institutions and telescopes around the world Track asteroids and classify them according to their danger. However, some asteroids remain beyond our field of view due to their small size or their unpredictable trajectory through space.

The asteroids that are currently threatening our planet

Five asteroids have recently caught the attention of scientists and the general public due to their proximity to the Earth. Some of these asteroids may one day cross our path, raising legitimate concerns about their potential impact.

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DW 2023: discovered on February 26, 2023 by a Chilean telescope, This 50 meter diameter asteroid could collide with Earth on February 14, 2046. The chance of it hitting Earth is about 1.80%, and if it did it could destroy a city the size of Lyon, although it is likely to crash into the Pacific Ocean.

asteroidAsteroid 2023 DW could collide with Earth on February 14, 2046. Infographic source: AFP.

2023 DZ2: this asteroid, with an estimated diameter of between 42 and 94 meters, happened near Earth on March 25, 2023. It is considered a theoretical “city killer” that can destroy a city upon impact, although there was no risk of collision during its most recent flyby.

2023 NT1: this asteroid with a diameter of about 60 meters, happened on July 13, 2023, around 100,000 kilometers from Earth. Due to its relative proximity to Earth, it was discovered and closely monitored.

2023 RS: discovered by the Mt. Lemmon Survey, This asteroid flew very close to Earth, at a distance of only 10,000 km (approximately 6,500 miles), which is fairly close on a spatial scale. Its size is estimated at 0.9 to 2 meters.

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2023 SM_{5}: This asteroid, discovered by Pan-STARRS 2, passed at a distance of 375,000 km (about 233,000 miles) from Earth. Its size is estimated at 14 to 30 meters. Although the distance is relatively long, its significant size makes it worth monitoring. These asteroids are currently being closely studied by scientists and space agencies around the world, which testifies constant vigilance in the face of these potentially dangerous celestial visitors.

How do we protect ourselves?

Given the reality of potentially dangerous asteroids, how can we protect ourselves? Space agencies around the world constantly monitor near-Earth asteroids to anticipate potential threats.

This continuous monitoring allows us to follow to follow the development of the trajectories of asteroids, to calculate their impact probabilities and to take appropriate measures in the event of impending danger. However, it is important to note that some asteroids can escape our vigilance due to their small size or unpredictable trajectory.

ARROWThe goal of the DART mission is to demonstrate the feasibility of deflecting an asteroid through kinetic impact.

NASA and other space agencies not only monitor asteroids, They are also developing missions to test the ability to deflect an asteroid. One of these missions is the DART mission (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) was launched in November 2021. The goal of this mission is to demonstrate feasibility deflect an asteroid through kinetic impact. In September 2022, the DART mission probe was launched toward the asteroid Dimorphos to study impact results and better understand the science of asteroid deflection.

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Asteroids with their destructive potential are constant reminders of our vulnerability to the forces of the universe. However, through careful surveillance, technological advances, and diversionary missions, humanity is moving forward in its ability to prevent possible asteroid-related disasters.