Was Bia Bonemer daughter of William Bonner dating Giulia Costa

Was Bia Bonemer, daughter of William Bonner, dating Giulia Costa? Understand the rumor

Controversial rumor about the friendship between Bia Bonemer and Giulia Costa caused an uproar in the famous scene

the influencer Bia Bonemerdaughter of William BonnerHe has already been the victim of rumors about his sexuality. Many fans questioned his friendship with the actress at the time. Julia Costadaughter of Flavia Alessandra. However, they were just friends.

The excitement started circulating on social media just over three years ago, while Giulia and Bia enjoyed a moment of great joy. As close friends, they always published records of travel and parties, which aroused suspicion among admirers.

In 2020, Bia even made it clear to her followers that she wasn’t in a relationship with Giulia. “I’m not going out with Giulia. We’re friends who comment on each other’s photos like any other friend would comment,” she said, who wants to invest in her singing career.

Shortly thereafter, Giulia also began to be “stalked” by some people who doubted their sexuality. After being questioned several times on the same topic, she decided to speak out.

“That’s wrong. Giulia Costa has never been with a woman. Unfortunately, I like men who complicate my life. And no, I’ve never been with a woman. I don’t date any women,” he explained.

On another occasion, Giulia even lost patience with a follower when she was again put in front of the wall on the subject. “It wouldn’t be a problem if it were true. But it’s just not true and it’s really annoying to spread lies about your life,” she wrote, adding, “I always say no, we’re best friends.”

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This week, the topic was highlighted again after Bia took part in an interview on the Pod da Play podcast. It was on this occasion that she recalled how much she had suffered from denying the rumors about her sexuality and the romance that people had fabricated with her friend.

“I was afraid to answer and the person would think it was because, ‘Wow, see? Prejudices’. But it was because I wasn’t really with her. And it was very difficult to say that because I was afraid of my answer.” “It seemed to be something else. So we didn’t say anything, we didn’t care. But it was something that started to bother us after a while,” he said.