Was the beer of our ancestors as strong as the

Was the beer of our ancestors as strong as the modern one? Doubts solved Wineandfoodtour

Although beer is widely used in modern times, it has very ancient origins. This is how it was consumed in other eras.

There Beer It is certainly one of the most popular drinks both within the Italian borders and abroad. And on the other hand, it is safe to say that it proves very suitable for various occasions.

The most popular drinks

If you are about to consume a Have a good meal You also have a wide range of drinks to choose from. There are those who therefore quite simply choose a water glassStill or sparkling, and those who prefer to accompany food with something good Glass of red or white wine.

A can of Coca-Cola and a sandwich (Pexels) – Wineandfoodtour.it

Then there are numerous beverages which generally look good on our tables. For example, the most popular may be Coke and theorange juice. However, it is better not to overdo it in this case, as they contain various sugars that are bad for our body and teeth in the long run.

There Beer, to be precise, is another option that works well in different contexts and often goes well with a good pizza. However, this famous drink often becomes an excellent ally for Goliard moments shared with friends.

Anyway, the Beeralthough it is still very popular today, it actually has ancient origins, as experts say it should even date back to around 1900 7 thousand years ago.

In fact, after careful and diligent research, historians have been able to determine that even numerous civilizations of the past drank beer.

In this connection we can mention The Egyptian population, Greek, Roman and the relatives Mesopotamiaand areas of present-day Iraq.

The beer of the ancient peoples

It therefore appears to be so according to some reliable sources the birth of beer was also rather coincidental, as old peoples cultivated earlier Grainwhich, if and only if they are in suitable conditions, can execute a spontaneous fermentation.

Two glasses of beer (Pexels) – Wineandfoodtour.it

But later the fermentation techniques they have certainly improved. It is precisely thought that in middle East a refined processing has begun. Over the centuries, therefore, the production of beer has known changes that have made this drink very different from what it originally was.

And by the way, i Researchers from Trinity College Dublin They conducted a challenging study to understand what this might be like Beer of the sixteenth century.

In this case, as explained by the doctor Suzanne Flavinresearch aimed at discerning what exactly they were the power, the alcohol content And the nutritional value of the beer of the aforementioned period.

Beer Bottles (Pexels) – Wineandfoodtour.it

This is how the researchers analyzed an Irish beer recipe of the sixteenth century. It therefore appears that a large amount of Oats and there was A 5 percent alcohol content.

Also the energy content was equal to approx 270 calories and there was three units of alcohol for each Pint. Other studies also report that some ancient populations even drank daily five liters of beerand hence they are believed to have been well received every day fifteen units of alcohol.