1664354897 Waterfalls and floods in the Canary Islands and the Mediterranean

Waterfalls and floods in the Canary Islands and the Mediterranean: ​​the images! Tameteo.com

Samuel Biener Samuel Biener met Spain 26 Sep 4 min

The predictions have come true and in the last few hours the cumulative amount of rainfall was very remarkable in some areas of the Canary Islands, mainly in parts of La Palma and Gran Canaria where it has exceeded 100 l/m2 so far that day. Aside from that, Rainfall will continue to increase until tomorrow.

Intense and persistent rainfall have left impressive images on the Canary Archipelago, the water forms great cascades to overcome the unevenness of the central and western islands. The rain caused a lot of flooding.

Until now, More than 250 flights have been canceled since the storm began in the Canary Islands due to bad weather conditions, and in some areas of the islands fog made it impossible to see more than a few meters. There were also flash floods, landslides and power outages.

In the eastern half of the “isla bonita”, Rainfall has been around 200 l/m2 since yesterday, and will continue to increase as precipitation will continue for the next few hours, although as of tomorrow it will tend to decrease, although there are still some residual showers. Hermione is already a post-tropical cyclone.

On the other hand, on the eastern half of the peninsula, the predictions came in, and on the latter, the storms were very intense and caused some problems. The AEMET, AMETSE, AVAMET and SUREMET networks have measured cumulative rainfall over 100 l/m2, and sometimes almost 200 l/m2.

Our reference model forecast shows that for the remainder of today and tomorrow there will be heavy showers and thunderstorms, even if the situation tends to stabilize from Tuesday. However, we must not let up in the coming hours.

The first half of next week will mainly see lower temperatures with the arrival of a cooler air mass and a northerly wind blowing. However, This autumn aperitif should not last long as high pressure could return by the end of the week.