1684628564 Watering mowing frequency the basic rules for a greener lawn

Watering, mowing frequency: the basic rules for a greener lawn

The City of Quebec is preparing an ordinance on pesticides that is scheduled to go into effect in 2024. In the spring, only biopesticides will be allowed in Quebec. Biopesticides are known to be less harmful to health and the environment. There will still be exceptions where there is a risk of infestation or a risk to human or animal health.

A man reads the instructions before spraying herbicide.

Pesticides and herbicides are now banned in Quebec.

Photo: Getty Images/Milan Markovic

A healthy lawn without pesticides is possible, believes Guillaume Grégoire, assistant professor at the University of Laval’s Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, whose research focuses mainly on improving horticultural practices in urban areas.

The cutting frequency is an important factor for a durable and maintenance-free lawn, says the expert.

The most common mistake is cutting the lawn too regularly. This is the easiest error to correct. We set up our mower. The recommended mowing height is 8 cm. When mowing only, the height should be 8 cm.

The taller the lawn, the more shadows it casts on the ground. There is less water loss, less watering and the plant stays green longer in times of drought.

The root system is also better maintained. The lawn tolerates loads, including insects, better.

lawn watering nozzle.

The lawn does not need to be watered regularly.

Photo: Radio Canada

Contrary to popular belief, the lawn is also very drought tolerant and does not need regular watering. When our lawn turns yellow in the summer, it’s not because it’s dead, it’s because of a protective mechanism called the dormancy period. It slows down your metabolism.

As the weather warms up, it will turn green again on its own over the next few weeks.

Pesticide-free fertilizer can also help compensate for poor soil quality in a given area. People unknowingly end up with poor quality floors. In this case, fertilizing is a good way to compact our lawn.

Caution: It is important not to take this fertilizer onto the street, as it must not enter the water system.

Popular formations in Quebec

With a view to implementing the new regulations in 2024, the City of Quebec has increased its number of training courses to help citizens maintain a more ecological lawn. The aim is to help owners to comply with the regulations as quickly as possible.

The first two training sessions, on May 9 and 17, were so popular that the city decided to add two more on June 6 and 14, according to Florence Pineault, Quebec City’s environmental advisor.

In particular, we will learn how to mow and water the grass.

A lawn mower

One of the training courses offered by the Ville de Québec is learning how to cut a lawn.

Photo: iStock

In addition, consultation and discussion rounds took place with citizens and companies.

We can see that people are happy that the city is committed to reducing the use of pesticides. It was a measure expected by most citizens. Of course, there are also some citizens who are concerned. They have the impression that they will lose tools to have a beautiful lawn, specifies Ms. Pineault. This training should help them.

In Quebec, pesticides are primarily used by farmers.

The agricultural environment is not covered by the City of Quebec’s statutes, nor are the golf courses, which, however, are patrolled, assures Ms. Pineault.