1670542169 We are at zero

“We are at zero”

We are at zero

there in front of the ladder It’s a worldly occasion where they unleash loads of VIPs on the red carpet. And also in this first year 2022 the tradition was respected. Singers, actors and so on and so on crowded the entrance of the theater amidst the flashbulbs of the photographers.

Sometimes...: Giorgia Meloni, this (bitter) stolen sentence about Andrea Giambruno

But the premiere is also often an occasion to make some demands from some areas public or perhaps to improvise protests in front of the theater. And this year, after the environmentalists’ blitz, the actor’s words caused a stir Stefan Accorsi who actually pointed the finger at Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her maneuvers.

In front of La Scala, here's Morgan: on the smartphone screen ... but really?  |  Looks

Accorsi spoke to and also commented on the measures taken for the entertainment sector. And Accorsi’s words are harsh: “At Prima della Scala it is an important evening, it shows how much culture has an important specific weight in Italy and it is good to take this into account also in the budget law, this year they have it forget.” . Then he added: “The houses of Parliament He had spoken of a break allowance for show business employees who have already suffered so much. A broad category of actors, but also of skilled workers. However, there is no trace of funds in the finance law.” The actor’s outburst is sure to cause controversy.