We are with you The whole world unites with Francis

“We are with you”: The whole world unites with Francis News from the Vatican German

Numerous messages of closeness and good wishes for a speedy recovery have reached the Pope from everywhere since the news broke that he had been admitted to Rome’s Gemelli Hospital to undergo a laparotomy. The diocese of Rome and the bishops’ conferences of various continents, associations and church movements take care of the prayers. The affection and solidarity of Italian President Mattarella.

Adriana Masotti – Vatican City

“Do not be afraid, we are with you.” The encouragement of hospitalized children like him, but in the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, which the Pope knows well, comes to Pope Francis with a tweet and a drawing. The day after his abdominal operation, numerous messages with good wishes, closeness and support came from all over the world.

out ofe France, Ukraine and the United States: May God support the Pope

Following yesterday’s statement by the Italian bishops, assuring the Pope of the prayers and affection of the Italian Churches “at this further moment of trial” and wishing him a speedy recovery, numerous bishops’ conferences are sending their greetings to Francis. The French bishops write: “May God support you in your trials and strengthen you in your mission.” The President of the United States Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, addresses the faithful: “While Pope Francis recovers from the operation , he is strengthened by faith in the healing power of our merciful God. Please keep Pope Francis and all in the hospital in your prayers today and every day. Jesus always walks with us and is even closer to us when we need healing and comfort.” Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuck, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, also sent a message to the Pope with his best wishes for a speedy recovery.

The Affection of the Latin American Church

The Latin American Bishops’ Council (CELAM) invites you, with a short message signed by Monsignor Jaime Spengler, President of the Council, and Monsignor Lizardo Estrada Herrera, Secretary General, to pray for the recovery of Pope Francis, whose recovery they are accompanying. with closeness and affection”.

“We thank God that the operation went without complications,” the bishops write, “and we invite all the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean to unite in prayer for the speedy and full recovery of our beloved Pope Francis.” “. CELAM asks the Virgin Mary, “Mother of tenderness and consolation for the sick”, to protect and strengthen the Pope so that he can “continue to guide us as universal Pastor and confirm our unity”.

In particular, the Peruvian bishops, through their President, Monsignor Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte, urged the faithful to “pray for our beloved Pope Francis, that he may have a speedy and full recovery.” The personal and corporate prayer of God’s people is our greatest strength in dealing with the health problems of the Holy Father Francisco,” says Monsignor Miguel Cabrejos.

The Pope at Gemelli Hospital is in good general condition

The Press Office of the Vatican provides information on the state of health of Francis after he underwent a laparotomy and plastic surgery on the abdominal wall yesterday afternoon, June 7 …

The solidarity of the Italian President Mattarella

Also, the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, yesterday before the operation at the Gemelli Hospital, sent a message of good wishes to Pope Francis, for which he wished a positive result: “The whole Italian people – writes the Head of State – are with you with feelings close to the affection and solidarity that I fully embrace. During this time you can count not only on the prayers of the Catholic faithful, but also on the common thoughts of countless people, believers and unbelievers alike. I renew His Holiness – he concludes – the sincerest wishes for a peaceful recovery and a speedy and full recovery.”

Church from Rome

After the news of the hospitalization, the entire Church of Rome, the Pope’s diocese, gathered around the Holy Father and asked the Lord’s blessing for the success of the operation and for a speedy recovery. Today, a new message urges the faithful to “continue to support the Holy Father with great affection, grateful for his service to our Church and the world Church and anxious to see him among us again as soon as possible.”

etccitations and movements

Numerous messages were also immediately sent by movements and associations: The Catholic Action embraces the Pope ideally and assures “Prayers and requests to the Lord that, with the help of his grace, he will support and comfort our beloved Pope Francis during his postoperative recovery and that he will soon be well again in order to carry out his ministry as father and pastor to the full. “We are sure,” the association’s statement continues, “that Pope Francis will also take this opportunity to teach us how to face suffering, sustained by faith and Christian hope.” “We hope to see you soon in to see the full exercise of your ministry as parish priest, which is a precious reference point for so many”, writes the Community of Sant’Egidio, after expressing to the Pope at Communion their wishes for a “speedy recovery” and liberation sends Francis “the heartfelt hope that he will soon recover and return to witness to his paternal guidance in the journey of faith of the whole Church.” For its part, the Focolare Movement wishes the Pope “that in this new trial of his life God will show him tenderness, compassion and assure closeness”.