Transgenderism Let children grow up in peace The Journal

We can discuss anything! – The Journal de Montreal

If freedom of expression is important to you, you have the opportunity to rejoice.

Last week, a hugely important freedom of expression ruling was handed down in Canada after a teacher was expelled from her school for criticizing a book about transgender children.

An Ontario judge ruled that “anything can be discussed.” I’m very pleased, Mr. Judge.

Be a teacher and shut up!

“Court victory for teacher silenced for criticizing book about transgender people”: The National Post reported Saturday on this incident, which had gone unnoticed in Quebec. There should have been a lot more noise as this story is so insightful about our times.

On January 17, 2022, teacher Carolyn Burjoski was excluded from a meeting of her school board because of her comments about books available in elementary schools. She criticized the fact that some books made the transition from girl to boy or boy to girl seem “very easy” and “very cool”. The school board president banned him from speaking. She was excluded from the meeting. He called them “transphobic” in the media. She was then told not to come to class and to stay home because she was under investigation. She was forbidden to communicate with her students and fellow teachers. She retired soon after and was hospitalized for extreme anxiety.

“What happened here should never have happened in a democratic society,” Ontario Superior Court Judge James Ramsay said of the school board’s stance. “The Human Rights Code does not prohibit public discussion of issues related to the transgender phenomenon or about transgender minors. It does not prohibit discussion on any topic.”

In one of the books that troubled Professor Burjoski, there is a scene in which Shane, a transgender boy (i.e. a born girl), is excited by the idea of ​​taking testosterone. When the doctor tells him that he probably won’t be able to have children while taking hormones, the kid replies, “That’s cool!”

Ms. Busjoski found the book confusing because it did not take into account that Shane might regret being infertile as he grew older. “This book makes children believe that these serious medical procedures are simple solutions to emotional and psychological distress.”

In his decision, the judge states: “The school board president made an arbitrary and terribly flawed decision to silence legitimate expression.”

Right to speak

Upon learning of the judge’s decision, the teacher said, “This is a significant victory, not just for me, but for everyone who dares to voice their concerns publicly.”

In a democratic society, a teacher has the right to raise concerns without losing his or her right to speak, without being sent home, without becoming a victim of defamation.

No matter what we think about the gender transition debate, we cannot have an intelligent and informed debate by silencing those who don’t think like we do.

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain