We closed our eyes I also thought that Putin

“We closed our eyes. I also thought that Putin …”


Pier Ferdinando Casini He was a guest at the La7 studio To broadcast, the program of Concita De Gregorio and David Parenzo. The senator was as clear as he was honest in his analyzes and also in his “mea culpa” see below Wladimir Putin: “We have to be honest with each other, otherwise we make a general mystification. With Putin we made a collective mistake. It’s true that some said he was the greatest statesman in the world, but even those like me who didn’t say such nonsense thought that Putin could be happy with Crimea”.

He prepares to compromise.  Toni Capuozzo, confidential information: What will become of Vladimir Putin, a sensational turnaround

For Casini it is a “Sensational Error” of the whole West, who did not see the incoming signals: “Then they took Donbass, now they want Ukraine. Should the latter capitulate? And so it would be Moldova, Lithuania, the Baltic countries? We need to review our image of Putin.” According to the senator, we “closed our eyes” in too many cases that could highlight the danger of Russia: “We closed them when he tried to kill Navalny and in many other situations. The bad thing we politicians are responsible for is that our dependence on Russian gas has grown abnormally in 20 years.

The war is directed against Western hegemony.  Alexander Dugin, the extreme theories of Putin's ideologues: the portrait

Then Casini argued that Putin did that “Wrong Calculations” for a very specific reason: “His actions united everyone. It has awakened NATO, which Macron said was brain dead, it has awakened European unity by urging countries like Poland, which have rejected refugees, to take in millions from Ukraine, it has remade USEurope relations invigorated.