We have the right to choose whether we want to

“We have the right to choose whether we want to live with one person or with several people,” says the model, who claims to be “married” to eight women and whose home has been sprayed with insults

Model and influencer Arthur O Urso, who says he’s “married” to eight women, is defending the right to be with more than one person. he spoke to g1 after his house was sprayed with insulting phrases in the early hours of this Monday (16) in João Pessoa.

On the wall of the residence he claims the words were written: “Family of the devil go away!!! You are not welcome”. Arthur has disclosed the situation on social media. The influencer said he registered a police report and called a lawyer to look into the situation and try to identify the graffiti’s originator.

2 of 2 Arthur showed the facade of the house with graffiti on social networks — Photo: Reproduction / Personal Archive

Arthur showed the facade of the house with graffiti on social media — Photo: Reproduction / Personal Archive

“I am a lover of reciprocity, I live free love and my mission is to spread it. I want people to understand that relationship is one thing and ownership is quite another. We have the right to choose whether we want to be with one or more people. Love more than one person,” said Arthur.

Luana, Thayenne, Kyara, Melina, Bethânia, Tainá, Lorena and Emelly live with Arthur. He says they are all his wives, but he says he’s only married to Luana “on paper.” The length of the relationship varies between three and one year, depending on the model. He was in a monogamous marriage and has one daughter from that union, but says he would like to have a child with any of his current wives.

The model says she has identified with nonmonogamy since she was young. “Ever since I was young, I’ve realized that I wasn’t born monogamous. Since that time, I have started to explore the subject through films and documentaries.”

He took part in Mutlishow’s reality show Se Sobrereviver, Case with his wife Luana.

The influencer also says that all eight wives are free to relate to other people, but according to him, this has never happened before.

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