Weather Quebec a sunny morning before a partly cloudy week

We live in hell! – The Journal de Montreal

There’s something I don’t understand…

According to certain activists and certain organizations, the West is racist, homophobic, misogynistic, colonialist, transphobic, Islamophobic, fatophobic and so on…

Not a day goes by without a group like Amnesty International, the UN or the Canadian Human Rights Commission denouncing the xenophobia or religious intolerance that is said to be prevalent in Western countries.

If the West is so rotten, can you explain to me why the vast majority of people who don’t live there dream of living there?

And are they willing to risk their lives and those of their children to live with us?

Didn’t get the memo? You don’t know that our countries are open-air prisons?


“Canada is an intolerant and colonialist country because Christmas is a holiday…” said the Canadian Human Rights Commission (without laughing and with trembling indignation in its voice).


Urgently call the peacekeepers, Justin’s country is turning into a dictatorship!

I imagine an Iranian woman reading this. A Christian living in Somalia. A lesbian in Russia. Or a homosexual living in a Muslim country.

You have to say to yourself: “But it’s terrible!” I’ll never live there! It seems that there are even Christmas trees in public places! »

Oh no, dear friends, you don’t know how strenuous life is in the West!

Imagine… In the French language, the masculine takes precedence over the feminine!!!!!


And in our official documents we are asked to choose a gender!

And wait, it gets worse: If someone has a penis and a beard, people think he’s a man!!!!!

I swear to you!

I witnessed this recently: Georges St-Pierre went to get a coffee at Starbucks and the person with the breasts at the checkout said to him, “What should I get you, sir?”

Without first asking him what gender he identifies with!

I was shocked!

Luckily, the next day, students from McGill and Concordia organized a human chain around coffee to denounce this systemic intolerance!

I can imagine, dear Iranian friends, that you are not taught this in your prisons, right?

To think that you are complaining at this time just because some believers want you to wear a veil.

Sails are so cool!

They sell them in all colors at the store near my house!

Oh no, I’m telling you, stay home, you don’t know how lucky you are to live in Iran, Libya, Afghanistan, Turkey, Yemen or Sudan!

It’s hell here in the West!


To reward the most passionate defenders of human rights in the West, I decided to organize a competition.

Send me what you think are the West’s worst attacks on freedoms.

The person who sends me the most shocking list will win a two-year stay in North Korea.

Great, right?