1705642355 We really wanted to experience this moment Fans from everywhere

“We really wanted to experience this moment!”: Fans from everywhere for Madonna at the Bell Center – Le Journal de Montréal

Atlanta, Saguenay, Quebec … Several Madonna fans drove for hours to admire their idol at the Bell Center on Thursday evening as part of her tour Celebration highlighting his 40-year career.

“He's my childhood idol,” said Audrey Bouchard, 50, who came alone from Saguenay with her $550 bill in her pocket. “I grew up with her,” she added. Madonna is part of my discovery of…everything.”

GEN vox pop with Madonna fans in Montreal.

Audrey Bouchard, 50, came from Saguenay to attend Madonna's show at the Bell Center. Photo Mélissa Pelletier Mélissa Pelletier

“This may be her last show,” said Isabelle Boudreau, 54, accompanied by her friend Hélène Deblois, 50. “We really wanted to experience this moment!” explained the fans who had traveled from Quebec.

GEN vox pop with Madonna fans in Montreal.

Melissa Pelletier

John Lyons, 51, who flew from Atlanta to the USA for the fifth time to take part in the Celebration tour, was also happy to take part. “I've been a fan since I was 13!” The man also plans to return to Atlanta.

“It's stimulating to see artists like Rod Stewart, Sting, Madonna… legends!” emphasized Marie-Josée Primeau, who also had the opportunity to see Madonna perform in Abu Dhabi in 2012.

GEN vox pop with Madonna fans in Montreal.


Sequins and costumes

Here and there we could see sequins and fishnet tights in the modest crowd, softened by the freezing cold.

GEN vox pop with Madonna fans in Montreal.


Still, some fans went so far as to wear outfits inspired by their idol to get in the mood for this tour celebrating Madonna's 40-year career.

“It’s part of the experience,” said Julie Bessette, 40 years old. As long as we do it, we do it 100%. I have a group of friends waiting for me, they’re all dressed up.”

GEN vox pop with Madonna fans in Montreal.


Chantal Moreau, 52, also dressed for the occasion, is far from her first Madonna-inspired costume. “I had a Madonna tribute band. It was me who sang. I had the wigs, the costumes…”

Madonna time

Will Madonna be late on stage at the Bell Center like she is used to? Most fans didn't seem to mind that much.

“We will wait for him!” Isabelle Boudreau announced without hesitation. “If you really know her, you know that's probably going to happen!” John Lyons pointed out.

GEN vox pop with Madonna fans in Montreal.


And if anyone can afford this little eccentricity, it's Madonna. “She, who is such a perfectionist in everything. […] We forgive him!” said Chantal Moreau.

Don't miss our review of the show on our websites and apps.

Madonna performs at the Bell Center on Thursdays and Saturdays. For more details click here.