We will have to massively increase resources to protect nature

“We will have to massively increase resources to protect nature”

Doesn’t the question of how to finance biodiversity protection and the possibility of achieving the goals set remain unanswered, since the envisaged 20 or 30 billion is 5 to 10 times less than the estimated need?

planetary boundary

hello planetary frontier,

Yes, the topic of financing is a big topic and has also taken up a very large part of the negotiations over the past few days… In any case, it is certain that the funds must be increased massively, because we spend almost nothing worldwide on protecting nature today : only 0.01% of world GDP, with exactly half of this GDP depending on natural resources!

The 20 to 30 billion correspond to the amount of financial flows from North to South. More broadly, states, with help from the private sector, philanthropists, etc., have committed to mobilizing $200 billion a year for biodiversity (i.e. double what is being spent on it today), but also cutting $500 billion a year in subsidies that are harmful for nature, which could be redirected to measures in favor of species or ecosystems. Today we spend more to destroy the planet than to protect it!

Will governments succeed in getting rid of these subsidies? They talked about it for a very long time, but it made very little progress; this is really a key issue.