We will respond to chemical attacks the food emergency will

“We will respond to chemical attacks, the food emergency will be real”

from the editors

The American President after the G7 summit and NATO: “The sanctions are also being paid for by our European allies. United States and Canada will increase production of wheat ». And on China: “Xi is aware that his future is linked to the West”

Strong reaction in case of use of chemical weapons by Putin; greater commitment to food production to avert food shortages; great attention to not “handing over” China to the Russian camp. Joe Biden has drawn a series of red lines within which he hopes the West will move together. The US President spoke from Brussels, where he attended the NATO and G7 summits with the other heads of state.

The first indication of the head of the White House: the fear that Putin will resort to chemical weapons. “We will respond if he uses it, the type of response will depend on the type of use,” Biden said at a news conference from Brussels. “We haven’t made a decision with NATO yet,” he said.

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Biden then drew attention to the food emergency as a side effect of the war: “The food emergency will be real, the price of the sanctions will not only be paid by Russia, but also by our European allies. We talked about how we could compensate for possible food shortages. United States and Canada will increase production of wheat ».

Washington’s strategy is to broaden and condense the antiRussia front as much as possible; and an important pawn on the chessboard is certainly Beijing: “China understands the consequences of its eventual aid to Russia. “I think he stressed that China understands that its economic future is much more closely linked with the West than with Russia. And for this I hope that he will not interfere “from Moscow.

One point that will be difficult for Biden concerns the G20: the US President has said that Russia should be excluded from this forum. But on this point, Beijing has already clearly spoken out against it.

March 24, 2022 (change March 24, 2022 | 20:53)