1650574285 Weapons sent by the US to Ukraine could turn against

Weapons sent by the US to Ukraine could turn against them September 5

By sending a vast amount of arms to Ukraine, the United States is employing a strategy that could backfire, an article on the Moon of Alabama website warned today.

The publication pointed out that amid the conflict with Russia, Washington and its proxies in Europe are moving arsenals to Ukrainian territory, “but no one has any idea where these weapons will end up,” and some will inevitably reach those who are supplying them now.

1650574283 376 Weapons sent by the US to Ukraine could turn againstRussia declares that it has the right to consider the transport with US and NATO weapons as a legitimate target if it passes through Ukrainian territory

He recalled that the government of Barack Obama-Joe Biden (2009-2017) in its war in Syria strengthened terrorist networks in its efforts to overthrow President Bashar Al Assad.

The United States imported a vast amount of weapons into Syria that ended up not in the hands of the “moderate rebels” who glorified Washington’s propaganda, but in the hands of jihadists who limited supplies.

Barely a month after the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, The New York Times reported that “hardline Islamic jihadists,” including groups “linked to or connected to al-Qaeda,” “have most of the weapons have received sent to the Syrian opposition”.

In a repeat of this “strategy,” the United States is sending huge numbers of guns and mercenaries to Ukraine, Alabama’s Moon has warned.

Of more long-term concern is the large number of small arms shipped that “fit in the trunk of a car and can easily be smuggled across borders,” he warned.


The columnist stressed that right-wing ideology, which is being nurtured in Ukraine, is becoming a danger, especially for European countries, but also beyond.

1650574284 64 Weapons sent by the US to Ukraine could turn againstThe US is providing Ukraine with a new $800 million military aid package that includes heavy artillery

In that sense, some pundits have sounded the alarm that the Central Intelligence Agency is creating a new Al Qaeda, this time as a right-wing white supremacist militia, and that some are mercenaries recruited by Western “security” companies.

These militias will use any “small” arms that NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) countries are now supplying to Ukraine to attack Russian troops and their supporters, he said.

The fascist groups in Ukraine are not an invention of Russian propaganda or simply “nationalist”, as even NATO lobbyists in the Atlantic Council described them as a dangerous threat as early as 2018.

Since the beginning of the year, the neo-Nazi group C14 and other Roma affiliated with it have repeatedly attacked, as well as anti-fascist demonstrations, art exhibitions, LGBT events and environmental activists.

But in only a few cases have police done anything to prevent the attacks, including arresting peaceful protesters instead of the perpetrators themselves, he concluded. (Agency summary)