Weather Chaos is predicted next week NEWSPAPER WEATHER Newspaper weather

Weather: Chaos is predicted next week! NEWSPAPER WEATHER Newspaper weather

Autumn is approaching, everything is confirmed! Actually no, some data centers don’t see this. Or maybe yes? In short: There will be a lot for us working people to worry about in the next few days. If international data centers cannot find the right agreement, everything inevitably ends in chaos.

What we want to tell you is that today, unlike the last few days, we can no longer estimate whether autumn will come towards the middle of the month or not The two main data centers are no longer coordinated with each other.

On the one hand, there is Central Europe, where autumn arrives exactly on the weekend Middle of the month. Then there is Central America, which until yesterday was also proposing very similar scenarios, but today is starting to see things differently.

In fact, the descent of a to our latitudes would be at stake deep cyclonic vortex. The Central Europe also sees it directed at our country. That way it would be full fall!

The American one, on the other hand, moves much further west, even towards Morocco, with completely opposite and decidedly anomalous effects due to a seething call from Africa towards the Mare Nostrum.

In short, it seems clear that we will have to wait a little longer before we get more details about what will happen at the end of next week.

The only thing that is certain is that the high pressure area will provide lots of sunshine and always well above average temperatures, at least until the middle of the week.