1698730981 Weather forecast for December El Nino and polar vortex a.webp

Weather forecast for December: El Nino and polar vortex, a mystery to solve Meteo Giornale

Weather forecast for December El Nino and polar vortex a.webpInterpreting the weather trend in December: a fascinating undertaking

Deciphering the weather trend for the month of December is not an easy task. There are numerous assumptions and some of them could lead to truly unexpected results.

Different hypotheses for the first month of winter

The reality is that this is what we are facing⁤ divergent hypotheses, scenarios that do not seem to want to give any precise indications of how the first month of winter could develop. The question on everyone’s mind is: will it be a “winter month” or will it be a month characterized by the usual weather and climate anomalies?

Weather and climate anomalies: the African anticyclone and temperatures above the seasonal average

By “common meteorological and climatic anomalies” we mean the “repeated presence of.”African anticyclone ​or ‌in any case, the presence of temperatures consistently above the seasonal average. This is one of the scenarios that we cannot rule out a priori. We must be aware that El Niño could have a negative impact on the first month of winter.

The Polar Vortex: The variable⁢ out of control

But there are also those Polar vortex, which could mess up the cards on the table. Yes, that’s right, the polar vortex could be the runaway variable, a variable that could throw off the monthly trend. There are some very interesting modeling theories to support this assumption.

A December full of ups and downs: anticyclonic explosions and sudden bursts of cold air

Some authoritative theses predict a December between highs and lows, a December with literally shocking weather that can bring anticyclonic explosions but also sudden bursts of cold air. Yes, it can snow at very low altitudes in December, perhaps right around Christmas time. Wouldn’t that be fascinating?

The second hypothesis: the one to be preferred

You will probably have understood this from previous findings We believe that the second hypothesis is the preferable one.⁤ Not because we like it, but because we are convinced that the climate patterns definitely point in that direction. So let’s expect anything, because really anything could happen.

A December with maximum potential

We definitely won’t get bored, we are sure, we will definitely experience a December at its best. We will find out whether these potentials are small. In our opinion there are many, but it is one thing to be convinced of it, another thing will be the reality of the facts and for that we will have to wait.


In summary, the weather trend for the month of December is still uncertain as there are conflicting scenarios and several variables are at play. We expect a month full of surprises, between anticyclonic explosions and sudden bursts of cold air. We’ll just have to wait and see how the weather develops.