Weather forecast. The wind will increase from Monday, gusts up to 60 80 km/h. Here are the most exposed areas 3bmeteo

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Weather forecast.  The wind will increase from MondayWeather forecast. The wind will increase from Monday

There new week It will be characterized by anticyclonic strengthening, but we will not have to deal with the stasis typical of high pressure regimes. A vortex active over the Balkans and moving towards Ion on the right edge of the anticyclone will cause the onset of a rather tense and cooler ventilation from Monday in the central-southern regionswith North-northeast gusts reaching speeds of 60-80 km/h in the lower Adriatic and Ionian Seas. Even in the Apennine valleys there will be quite strong gusts from the northeast, as well as in the Trieste area, where there will be some bora.

Wind forecast for Monday eveningWind forecast for Monday evening

Consequently, the sea will also be very rough in the center-south region excited the Ionian, where off the coast The waves can reach a height of more than 2 meters.

Wave height forecast for Monday eveningWave height forecast for Monday evening

The same type of circulation will remain Tuesdayalbeit somewhat more subdued, with the strongest gusts expected to occur in the Ionian Sea. Since Wednesday Winds will partially weaken in the center-north region, but northeasterly gusts will continue in the Ionian Sea as the vortex remains in the lower Mediterranean at the level of the Libyan Sea, where it could linger until shortly before next weekend.

Wind forecast for Wednesday afternoonWind forecast for Wednesday afternoon

The weather forecasts are constantly updated. You can also find the updates in our specific forecast maps for Italian territory >> here.

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