Weather in Quebec cold and snow settle really

Weather in Québec: cold and snow settle “really”

The cold settles permanently in Quebec, giving a foretaste of winter with a first blanket of snow that has already hit the east of the province.

Southern Quebec will be spared for now, but not for long as several sectors, including Montreal and Montérégie, will receive their first snowflakes by Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Environment Canada is forecast for Montreal and the surrounding area with a mix of sun and clouds and temperatures slightly above freezing on Monday.

On the other hand, snow showers are expected for the province’s western sectors, but not enough to whip a cat, unlike eastern Quebec where significant accumulations are expected.

Bas-Saint-Laurent, Côte-Nord and Gaspésie, already affected since Sunday, will receive between 20 and 40 cm in places, according to federal forecasts, while strong winds in the cold are expected to cause blowing snow. .

Skies will be cloudier with negative temperatures in the center of the province, particularly in Quebec, Beauce and Estrie, but snow will come to slightly more northerly areas, such as Saguenay, where accumulations of 5cm are expected. .