1688386948 Weather Its going to be hot in Quebec this week

Weather: It’s going to be hot in Quebec this week

Mercury will rise this week and the rise in temperature will be accompanied by high humidity in most parts of Quebec, some areas of which could experience the first heat wave in July.

This heatwave will be accompanied by periods of sunshine, but there is a risk of thunderstorms in the south and center of the province on Monday.

In and around Montreal, Environment Canada is forecasting a change of sun and clouds at 28 degrees on the thermometer, but humidity will approach levels of 37.

The same scenario is expected in the central sectors of the province, particularly in Quebec and in Estrie, where the temperature will be 25 degrees and humidity 33 degrees.

According to forecasts by the federal authorities in Saguenay and Charlevoix, possible showers with a risk of thunderstorms are to be expected in the sectors a little further north.

Even if clouds will be denser in the skies over eastern Quebec, the federal agency forecast a barely 30% chance of afternoon showers as mercury levels drop.

For Tuesday, the weather promises to be even warmer across most of Quebec, including in the northern sectors at risk of a heatwave.