Weather news Winter storm Bettina over Eastern Europe Floods missing

Weather news: Winter storm Bettina over Eastern Europe. Floods, missing people, snowstorms, 32°C in Finland Video 3bmeteo

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Storm Bettina over Eastern EuropeStorm Bettina over Eastern Europe

She was baptized Bettina The storm that crossed Eastern Europe from Greece to Ukraine on Sunday, passing through the Black Sea. Today its center reached the Russian border, causing very serious impacts in between on its way Floods, blizzards and gale-force winds Atlantic. Sunday in Greece, In the Aegean Sea, a merchant ship flying the Comoros flag sank off the island of Lesbos on its way from Egypt to Istanbul. Only one member of the thirteen-person crew was rescued by the use of the Greek authorities’ helicopter the others are missing.

Ukraine was also affected with severe storms hitting Crimea on Sunday, where flooding was accompanied by flooding, strong winds and storm surges, power outages and others 500,000 people remained without electricityTo. The coastal town of Yepatoria was particularly affected, where many residents had to seek refuge on the roofs of their flooded houses and wait for help.

The ice-cold air that feeds the heart of Bettina from Scandinavia and northern Russia has led to typical winter phenomena, especially in the Balkans in central northern Ukraine and Romania. Strong winds swirling around the center of the storm gave rise to this one Blizzards with real blizzards which reduced visibility to almost zero. Romania’s firefighters had to carry out multiple operations in extreme conditions to clear trees from roads completely covered in snow.

In FinnlandIn the heart of the icy reservoir that feeds Bettina, temperatures in Lapland have collapsed, reaching today’s lows they fell to -32°C. But the climate has also become icy in the south of the country; in the capital Helsinki the temperature is just -15°C.

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