Weather next hour with exceptional heat but beware of thunderstorms

Weather: next hour with exceptional heat but beware of thunderstorms until evening, vulnerable areas

Weather: Next hours of unseasonably hot weather, but beware of thunderstorms in the evening, areas at risk

Lots of heat and storms on the mountains in the next few hoursSo much heat and storms on the mountains in the next few hours. The atmosphere looks like a broken record that has been showing us the same scenario over and over again for days and days hot out of the ordinary and where the only tones that are out of tune are due to sudden ones temporal erupting near the Alps during the hottest hours of the day.

However, this is one of the typical scenarios that occur when the classic African anticyclone dominates the summer scene. In fact, for a few weeks now, the Mediterranean basin has been surrounded by a promontory of African origin that we have given its name to Apocalypse4800: the 4800 it refers to the extraordinary height that the freezing point has reached (and even exceeded) these days; Remember that the freezing point represents the altitude below which you never go below zero. hence temperatures above zero also at the top of Europe and therefore at the top of Mont Blanc (4809 meters)with merger risks for all our Alps.

In which next hours indeed, one of the prominent elements will be the high temperatures that we will register at all altitudes, with the highest peaks evidently being carried by the lower altitudes of the atmosphere. Valpadana, for example, will be the hottest area where the mercury column can reach the threshold of in the afternoon 40℃ and in cities like Milan, Bologna and Ferrara.
But the rest of the country is not spared from the great heat. In fact, we expect 37/39ºC in Florence, Rome, Terni, as well as in many areas of Sardinia and Marche and finally also in Apulia (38 °C expected in Taranto and Foggia).

All this “sea” of heat is also accompanied by mostly sunny weather conditions, with the exception of the alpine mountains, where especially in the hottest part of the day it will be the high temperatures that will bring sudden but insidious storms from the westernmost mountainous areas (Upper Piedmont and Lombardy) will then move towards the east by evening (Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli). On the latter, between late afternoon and early evening, we cannot rule out temporary interventions in the foothills of the Alps and the adjacent lowland areas.

However, as the evening progresses, everything will be gone to guarantee a night of warm mood stability, ready to end the day as well Sunday. But we will give you more details about it in the next updates,