Weekly horoscope 3rd – 9th March Dreaming is free

Weekly horoscope 3rd – 9th March: Dreaming is free

Your horoscope for the week of March 3-9 predicts sensitive conversations, vivid dreams, and unexpected turmoil in your love life. Who said turbulence couldn't make things more interesting?

Get ready for some emotional fireworks at the start of this week. As you begin March 3 with the Moon in the last quarter of Sagittarius, you may find yourself increasingly willing to follow your instincts and go a little overboard. And as independent Venus in Aquarius competes with unpredictable Uranus in Taurus, you may find that stubbornness and rising tensions lead to unexpected changes in your relationships. This can lead to surprising crushes that throw everything off balance, but also shocking breakups that may or may not last. When empathetic Mercury in Pisces forms a sextile with innovative Uranus on March 4, you'll be in a wonderful position to tackle something new without letting fear hold you back.

However, the energy will get a little strange until March 8th. OK, strange is an understatement, because then Mercury in Pisces will join forces with Neptune, the planet of dreams and resolution. Mercury is already at a disadvantage in its transit through Pisces and places much more emphasis on fact than fiction. And with Neptune in the mix, you're far more prone to spreading lies or believing untruths. Instead of being cheated, focus all your attention on expanding your imagination and engaging in creative endeavors that expand your heart. Make sure you write down your dreams because they will be full of supernatural insights.

However, unexpected tensions could cause trouble until March 9, when belligerent Mars in Aquarius confronts frenetic Uranus in Taurus. Don't let rash behavior lead to disruptions that could have easily been avoided. And when Mercury enters Aries at 11:03 p.m. ET, this week ends with you feeling bold in your ideas and courageous in your execution. Instead of turning your passion into conflict, put it into your goals and let it fan the flames of your success.

Weekly horoscope 3rd – 9th March Dreaming is free

How the planets will influence your zodiac sign this week

Here's what you can expect in the coming week, depending on your Sun and/or Rising Sign (and seriously, you're missing out if you don't read these horoscopes for your Rising Sign):

  • Aries

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Aries 2024
    Photo credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your house of friendships square Uranus in Taurus. Today you might be surprised and delighted by a friend's suggestion. You may have told them you want to do something new, and now they're testing your resolve. You might have an unusual idea that's so outrageous (and wonderful) that you know why you're friends. Get ready to explore possibilities.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in your own sign, Aries. Today you could be in the right place at the right time. Aries, this could help you with a career or business opportunity. But that is conditioned energy. For synchronicity to occur, you must take action. So this is a good time to make an email or a call. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • bull

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Taurus 2024
    Photo credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week you're going in a new direction.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your social house square Uranus in Taurus. Today you brighten up the room. Other people notice you whether you are in the spotlight or not. Taurus, this is a good day to be social, attend events, or attend a party. You could meet interesting people and make good contacts. This is a good day for a first date, especially if you want to meet someone who will blow your mind.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your house of spiritual messages. Your angels and guides may be speaking to you through someone at your workplace. This could be a positive message telling you that you are in the right place at the right time. However, if today is challenging, it could be a sign that it is time to start looking for a new position. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Twins

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Gemini 2024
    Photo credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week you might hear a brilliant idea.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your house of spiritual enlightenment square Uranus in Taurus. Today you could channel energy in anger. It's like a spiritual download from the universe. Gemini, your guides and angels are speaking to you. This communication can take place through books, videos or song lyrics. Or someone takes you by the hand, looks deep into your eyes and gives you a message.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your house of friendships. One of your more free-spirited friends might have a brilliant idea. They might ask you to go on a trip abroad or a road trip around the country with them. And even if this doesn't happen right away, you're already dreaming of visiting Iceland or driving through the Rocky Mountains on the way to new adventures. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Cancer

    StyleCaster |  Cancer horoscope 2024
    Image Source: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week you are magnetic.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your house of intimate encounters square Uranus in Taurus. Cancer, this is a good day to ask the babysitter to take the kids. Maybe you and your sweetheart are chasing each other on the sofa. You may both feel energized and lively, and it could be a wonderful evening. If you're looking for love, light a red candle to inspire passion.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your career house. Maybe you come across a job advertisement that suits you. And even if you recently changed jobs or just got a promotion, it's worth exploring. It might be more in line with your workout or just feel right. This could be a message that it is time to make a big change. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Lion

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Aries 2024
    Image Source: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week the path becomes clear.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your house of relationships square Uranus in Taurus. Today you could meet someone who is simply stunning. Leo, this could be a date a friend or family member set up for you, or it could be someone you pass on the street. Maybe there's something about her hair or her scent that drives you crazy. Today you could have an encounter worthy of a fantasy.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your house of education. You may be very interested in going back to school. While this might be a good idea for you, also consider short-term programs where you can earn a certificate or programs offered by large companies to attract new employees. There are also video courses for accelerated learning. Today you could find more than one way to achieve your goal. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Virgo

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Virgo 2024
    Image Source: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week you are looking for something new.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your house of routine square Uranus in Taurus. Even if you're comfortable with the consistency, you'll want to change it today. Virgo, tear up the to-do list, skip the boring errands and do something different. This is a good day to attend a festival or concert, or at least go to a new restaurant that serves food you've never tried before.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your house of resources from others. If you ask, you could come up with a lot more. Today, look at what you need in your life. This could be help with a CV or application, but perhaps you also need financial support or help selecting investment opportunities. Virgo, you may find someone very helpful to you today. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Scale

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Libra 2024
    Image Source: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week you give yourself a gift.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your house of fun and romance square Uranus in Taurus. Today you could take a risk in love. Libra, you could call someone and ask them on a date. Maybe you're ready to accept an invitation to Las Vegas or Atlantic City. A few Libra-born people might decide to get married today.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your House of Collaboration. You could now find someone to work with. This could be a mentor or someone who supports you in meetings. This is a good time to look for an influencer or celebrity to collaborate with. Consider sending direct messages to people you want to connect with. The more seeds you sow, the greater your harvest can be. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Scorpio

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Scorpio 2024
    Image Source: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week you could experience some very beautiful moments.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your home and family square Uranus in Taurus. Scorpio, you may feel a strong urge to redecorate. Maybe go to the furniture store and try out new sofas. Maybe get a can of paint for an accent wall in the living room. Or you could make some colorful new pillows using fabrics you have around the house.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your house of work and colleagues. Maybe you have a new colleague who looks like someone you've known before. You may make an immediate connection with a supplier or a new manager. Today you have the opportunity to find someone who could really help you at work. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Protect

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Sagittarius 2024
    Photo credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week you know what you want.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your house of communication square Uranus in Taurus. Sagittarius, you could be sending and receiving some very heated text messages. Maybe you and your sweetheart will exchange very special pictures. If you are looking for love, you might meet someone you find very attractive and the feeling might be mutual.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your house of creativity. A creative project can be very successful today. The different components fit together wonderfully. You will find the color you are looking for and the material you need. Sagittarius, you could finish something and brag about it. Or you can get permission to exhibit your art or play your music in front of an audience. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Capricorn

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Capricorn 2024
    Photo credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week you look into the future.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your money house square Uranus in Taurus. Today's energy is a recipe for impulse spending. Capricorn, you may have your eye on something shiny and beautiful. Normally you stick to a limited budget, but now you might be craving a dazzling item that will make your heart sing. Not all that glitters is gold – sometimes there are gemstones too.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your family home. Someone in the family might have big news. Maybe they bought a house or announced a pregnancy. One of your siblings could get a new car or a great new job, and that could be the catalyst for a spontaneous celebration. Or there is a flood of phone calls between family members. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Aquarius

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Aquarius 2024
    Image Source: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week you are attracting positive attention.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in your own sign Aquarius and your house of physical expression square Uranus in Taurus. Today you might be wearing something that will turn heads, like a new hat or a cool new jacket. Or maybe you're showing off a new tattoo. Today you walk taller and feel great because you are wearing something.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your house of short-distance travel. Aquarius, you may need to take a quick trip. It could be for work, or there could be a great new restaurant in the next county that you and a friend want to visit. Or maybe you have a new car and want to see how it drives on the open road. Today is a good day to go somewhere. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • fish

    StyleCaster |  Horoscope Pisces 2024
    Image Source: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

    This week you are in touch with your inner self.

    The week begins on Sunday, March 3, with Venus in Aquarius and your house of psychic experiences square Uranus in Taurus. Pisces, your intuition is extremely strong right now and you may have glimpses of the future. You can do a little astral travel and see where people are at the moment, or send them a psychic message with loving words.

    On Monday, March 4, Mars in Aquarius sextiles the North Node in Aries and your financial house. You've probably been working on getting your finances in order, and you can make real progress today. This is a good day to check out what you can automate when it comes to tracking income and paying bills. Or you might find a stock picking system that helps you make better decisions with your money. Read your full monthly horoscope here.