1702818512 Weekly Horoscope Readings for Each Zodiac Sign December 17th

Weekly Horoscope Readings for Each Zodiac Sign: December 17th – 23rd December – The Cut

Weekly Horoscope Readings for Each Zodiac Sign December 17th

Every Sunday, Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant and shares the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign.

Regina King, a Capricorn. Photo illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

Thursday night is the winter solstice and the start of Capricorn season. When the Sun enters the sign of discipline and responsibility, you have the opportunity to take responsibility for your life. Even if others fall short of expectations or disappoint, you can live up to the high standards you set for yourself. Despite all the limitations and barriers you face, there is always room for joy. Then, late Friday evening, Mercury retrograde moves from Capricorn back into outgoing Sagittarius. Mistakes and misunderstandings are inevitable as long as the world of communication is unhinged, but if you avoid becoming defensive, they can prove humorous, even insightful, or unexpectedly productive. In the meantime, find the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign below.

They understand – at least on an intellectual level – that the world is not fair, that hard work doesn't always pay off, and good deeds often go unrewarded. That doesn't mean you have to be happy about it. You want the satisfaction of knowing that you made a difference and that your efforts were not in vain. This week you will finally see the first results. The projects you've been putting your energy into might finally get off the ground, and the people around you will notice when they do. It can be devastating to get what you've wanted for so long, but don't think about it too much. Just try to enjoy it.

Chasing unattainable goals is a recipe for disappointment; You know this, so try to remain practical and modest in your ideas. Avoiding taking risks with your heart or your ego can help you avoid injury. The problem is that this creates its own problems. It's also a mistake to pursue ambitions that don't require any effort. If you've felt discouraged or defeated this week, don't respond by trying to make your life or your dreams smaller. See what happens when you decide to want more for yourself instead.

You are more observant than most people. You pay attention to the world around you, actually listen to what others have to say, and know how to interpret all that information. You're also adept at ignoring things you'd rather not know: inconvenient facts, other people's warning signs, your own weaknesses. This week it is important not to close your eyes. The more honestly you can assess your life and relationships, the better you'll be able to identify what's working (and what's not) and figure out how to get what you need.

This week is likely to bring conflict, especially if you have already been feeling upset or dissatisfied. You will be very aware of any tensions between you and the people around you, and small disagreements can quickly escalate into heated arguments. Don't run away at the first sign of tension. Avoiding it leads to awkwardness at best and resentment at worst. Instead, if you face it head-on and commit to working through things, you will find clarity and true understanding on the other side. There is nothing to be afraid of. You are strong enough to handle it.

Maybe you've been stuck in a rut lately: no inspiration, no momentum, no one to help you make progress. In moments like these, it's easy to imagine that there's something wrong with you, that you urgently need to fix your mindset, your personality, your life. In reality, however, no one progresses all the time. Our life paths are not straight lines; They are curvy and unpredictable. If you are currently in a period of slow or even declining movement, know that it will not last forever. Don't beat yourself up. You'll get your bearings soon as long as you keep working to get out of your panic.

You tend to downplay your need for creativity and self-expression. As long as there are tasks that need to be done, bills that need to be paid, people that rely on you, everything else seems like self-indulgence. While it's true that fun may not be the only thing you care about in life, don't underestimate the value of doing what brings you joy. You are not just here on earth to serve others. You deserve to take your own happiness seriously. This week, do not neglect your responsibilities to others, but take some time to do what you want.

Existing rifts in your relationships with family or friends you've known since you were young have likely gotten worse recently. You have begun to feel out of place and question what you thought you knew. You felt uprooted and unsure of your place, perhaps pressured to sweep problems under the rug or deny your truth for the sake of harmony. However, this week you have the opportunity to rebuild the connections that matter to you. You can stay true to yourself while still keeping room for love.

Your instincts about people are usually spot on, so it doesn't take much time for you to form an opinion. You often notice how you get along with someone during the first conversation. But just because you tend to be right about others doesn't mean your judgment is infallible. Be open to surprises this week. It's possible to build a connection with someone who initially seemed boring, strange, or just not your type. Give people a chance to change their minds and maybe they will.

It is necessary to challenge yourself: to learn new skills, to try different approaches than the usual ones, to test your limits. However, sometimes pushing yourself too hard makes things unnecessarily difficult. This week, don’t write off the familiar. It's worth playing to your strengths and doing what comes naturally. Choosing the path of least resistance isn't necessarily lazy (just as your inner critic might try to convince you otherwise), and it can be quite effective

Even though you're normally fearless and confident, you've been struggling with doubts lately. Perhaps an unexpected setback has shaken your confidence or an interpersonal conflict has thrown you off balance. Maybe you've re-evaluated your long-held goals. You have felt unusually powerless, too busy thinking and worrying to go out and take action. This week the darkness will finally lift. This doesn't mean all your problems will disappear, just that you'll feel like yourself again: confident in yourself and your abilities and ready to boldly go out into the world.

This week you may be feeling a little down. Whether you are sad or exhausted, your energy and motivation are depleted. You might try to fight the exhaustion and strengthen yourself through it—and depending on the demands of your job or family, you may have no choice—but if possible, it's best to rest. When your body tells you it's time to take a break, listen to it. Don’t kid yourself that you just have to try harder or “earn” the rest. You have human needs, so take care of them.

You're much harder on yourself than anyone else realizes. While you tend to let others off the hook easily, you are often willing to take the blame (from others, from yourself) for things that are not your fault. Sometimes you are convinced that you are compassionate, others that everything bad in the world is actually somehow your responsibility. Neither is true, so your challenge this week is to stop. Accept criticism when it's warranted and work to make amends, but stop judging yourself for things beyond your control.

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Read the weekly horoscopes for the week of December 10th. The weekly horoscopes for the week of December 24th will be online next Sunday.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay's book “Madame Clairevoyant's Guide to the Stars” here.