1709469930 Weekly Horoscope Readings for Each Zodiac Sign March 3 9 March

Weekly Horoscope Readings for Each Zodiac Sign: March 3-9 March

Weekly Horoscope Readings for Each Zodiac Sign March 3 9 March

Every Sunday, Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant and shares the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign.

Sophie Turner, a fish. Photo illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

This week, Mercury passes through the final degrees of Pisces before entering Aries on Saturday evening. During the trip you will probably be a little more sensitive than usual. Try to see this as a good thing: use your compassion and let it guide you. As soon as the communication planet enters Aries, the mood changes and it's time to be bold and decisive. Don't be afraid of spontaneity or risk! You don't have to have all the answers, you just have to speak from the heart. In the meantime, find the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign below.

You are not the type of person who waits for life to happen; You would rather take action. This may label you as assertive and impatient – the truth is, it's not easy for you to sit back and see what happens. This week, however, a less forceful approach may be best. You'll be amazed at how much you learn when you listen before offering your own ideas, and surprised at the opportunities that open up if you just give them time to develop. It's not about being weak or passive, but rather staying open and taking your time.

Lately you have felt overlooked and forgotten. You suspect that everyone is having fun without you; You feel like your contributions at work aren't getting the attention they deserve. Even if you know you have a lot to offer, you worry that no one else does. Dispel that feeling this week by reaching out and socializing. No reason to languish in isolation. Call someone you missed, invite friends over, show up at a neighborhood gathering. You are not alone and there are so many people who appreciate your presence – you just have to see it to believe it.

You tend to be hard on yourself even at the best of times, but you've been particularly unforgiving lately. You're stuck in moments where you've embarrassed yourself, made stupid decisions, or hurt people you care about, and you're eager to punish yourself for it all. Give yourself some rest this week. This doesn't mean you let yourself off the hook completely, abandon your standards, and pretend you've never done anything you regret. Don't exclude the past, make peace with it. If you need to clear the air with someone, do it. Whether you need to apologize to someone else or forgive yourself, you have a chance to move forward.

You are braver than you think. Sometimes you just forget it. Everyday life gets in the way. You tell yourself that you're too busy to embark on new adventures and too exhausted from completing your endless to-do list to take a leap of faith. This week, try to reconnect with your brave side. Imagine if you could undo some of your tasks, your home could get a little messy, or you could miss a deadline that isn't really urgent. The world won't end and you'll finally have time and energy for the things that matter most to you.

You're not naturally pessimistic, but lately it's harder than usual to find a sense of hope or connection. All the cruelty of the world seems to be on display, and with so much sadness, you find it difficult to find meaning in your own life. What's the point of making the world a better place when you have so much to contend with? This week, however, you can find strength in knowing that you are still here, still fighting—and that you are not the only one. The more you can connect with others who care about the same things as you, the less anxiety you will feel.

Right now it is important not to spend too much time alone with your thoughts. You may not be in the mood to socialize much right now, but when you're stuck in your head, it's all too easy to get caught up in stress, insecurities, and bad habits. When you start overthinking everything, it's hard to find clarity on your own. At a certain point you need to reach out to other people. They can offer a reality check, help you look at the problem from a new perspective, and ask the important questions. This week, don't insist on thinking through your problems on your own. Let the people who love you help.

Your imagination is wild and active right now; You can imagine how the world could be better, so many alternative paths you could have taken. It's beautiful and exciting, but also frustrating – compared to the vivid colors of your daydreams, real life seems dull and lacking. So your challenge this week is to find the wonder in the world around you. It could be art, or the beauty of nature, the wondrous joy of connecting with other people. Keep fighting for a better world, but don't forget the magic that already exists.

They are good at recognizing what isn't possible: the projects that aren't feasible, the relationships that would never work out, the dreams that don't translate into the real world. They are not negative, just realistic. You don't want to invest time and energy in fantasies that will never come true. But this week it might be worth working towards goals that seem impossible at the moment. The universe is surprising and your willpower is a force to be reckoned with. Don't give up before you even start.

You're usually good at keeping track of your own paper and focusing on what you need to do. However, lately you have been distracted by everyone else around you. They all seem to be more successful than you, more interesting or happier. It's hard not to compare, and once you start, it's even harder to stop. However, this week it is important to refocus. Other people's lives probably aren't as exciting as they seem from the outside – and even if they were, all you can do is live your own life as best you can.

It often feels like you are the only person in the room who is thinking clearly. When everyone at work is caught up in impossible, crazy dreams, it's up to you to bring the conversation back down to earth. When your friends start feeling sorry for themselves, you're the one to remind them of all they have to offer. This week, however, your job is not to be the voice of reason, but simply to listen. Strengthening your connections with others through open-minded empathy is more important right now than being right about everything.

You tend to approach your feelings with thoughtfulness and curiosity. Some people treat their feelings as if they are mystical and ultimately unknowable, but you want to understand where your feelings come from, what they mean, and how to respond to them. This week, however, take a break from intellectualizing everything. This does not mean that your every thought and feeling is pure and infallible, or that your self-criticism is not useful. It just means that you are a human being – not just a thinking being, but also an emotional being. Every now and then you have to put your rational mind aside and just let yourself feel.

Sometimes you are influenced by the moods and preferences of those in the room with you. It's not that you're a pushover (when it really matters, stand your ground), but you like to be accommodating when you can. This week, however, try paying a little less attention to everyone else's needs and instead paying a little more attention to your own – especially if the person you're with doesn't tend to reciprocate your generosity. It's not guaranteed that all of your preferences will be taken into account (no one can!), but at least do yourself the favor of expressing them.

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Read the weekly horoscopes for the week of February 25th. The weekly horoscopes for the week of March 10th will be online next Sunday.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay's book “Madame Clairevoyant's Guide to the Stars” here.