1684076436 Weekly Horoscopes for the week of May 15th from the

Weekly Horoscopes for the week of May 15th from the Cut – The Cut

Weekly Horoscopes for the week of May 15th from the

Taurus Season Illustration: Sunny Wu

This is a busy astrological week with a notable event happening almost every day. On Sunday, Mercury will come out of retrograde and you can breathe easy as communication becomes less confusing and frustrating. Life is finally going according to plan again (at least better than ever). Then, on Tuesday, Jupiter, the planet that talks about how we find and create happiness and abundance, leaves impulsive Aries and enters determined Taurus. Know who you are and what you value, stay true to that knowledge and the universe will reward you. On Friday, a new moon in Taurus invites you to reflect on what it takes to feel safe and how you can contribute to a world where everyone can be safe. Finally, on Saturday, the planet of action, Mars, leaves Cancer and enters Leo. The time of fear and defense is over; This is your moment to cheer yourself up, take risks, and trust that your passion is just as useful as your caution.

While you’re always happy to rush to the aid of those you love, you don’t like it when the tables turn and you have to ask for help. You prefer to work independently, perhaps because you enjoy the freedom to do things exactly how you want, perhaps because you don’t trust others to deliver. But life gets easier when you stop trying to carry more than your fair share of the burden. As much as you may wish you weren’t dependent on other people, that’s not realistic. You do so much for others. Let them return the favor this week.

Whenever you start feeling good about yourself—loved or popular or great at your job—you start worrying almost immediately that maybe you’re just being arrogant and that it’s better to be hard on yourself. You’ve seen others overestimate their own abilities, how quickly confidence can turn to hubris, and you’re afraid to do the same. But no worry. Self criticism is easy. Loving yourself is much more difficult. So if someone else praises you this week, or if you think well of yourself, keep feeling that way. Don’t chase it away

Sometimes it’s hard to sit still for a long time. Not because you’re impatient for a specific goal, but because you get bored with things staying the same. There is so much to learn in the world; Repeating experiences seems like a waste of time. This week, however, you’ll find more delight in familiarity than novelty. You can go somewhere you’ve been a hundred times and discover something new, spend time with the people you’ve always known and be amazed by them. If you slow down and pay attention to the world around you, you will find adventure.

It would be so nice, you often think, if other people could understand your needs as well as you do. They are good at anticipating what friends and partners want before they say a word – sometimes even before they realize it themselves. More than anything, you wish someone could do the same for you: take a look at you and offer you what you long for. But no one can read your mind, and neither can you expect them to. This week, it’s up to you to take action: ask for what you want, or go out and get it yourself.

When you see people who look bold, cool, or confident—traits you’d like to embody—you occasionally get jealous. They imagine that their confidence comes naturally to them, while you have had to fight for yours. You don’t acknowledge their self-doubt, so you assume they don’t, which makes you feel like you shouldn’t either. But that’s just not true. Everyone experiences moments of uncertainty. You worry that something is wrong with you and that you might find it easier to love yourself. This week try to trust that everyone needs to work on it and that you are on the right track.

They understand that there are no shortcuts in life. Real growth takes effort; There’s no way around it. You know that progress is not linear, that healing does not follow your preferred schedule and follows its own meandering time frame. Yet lately you wish you could fast-forward and rush through the painful stages to get to the rewarding stages. But every once in a while, the unpredictability of life works in your favor. You can’t force happiness when you want it, but you can open the door to it and trust that sometimes it will come when you least expect it.

You’ve been worrying lately that you haven’t reached your potential. Maybe you wish you were more advanced in your career, maybe you would have imagined being a completely different person: more creative, braver, more special. You constantly blame yourself for not taking a different path, but you did nothing wrong. The problem is that you are comparing yourself to others or an ideal in your head. Trying to get “better” or trying harder won’t help, but bringing your attention to the present and focusing on your daily life – no matter how quiet or ordinary or imperfect it may be – maybe.

You tend to keep your expectations low, and often enough your skepticism is confirmed. But every once in a while you’re surprised to find beauty where you thought there wasn’t and ease where you expected trouble. If you pay attention this week, you will experience small, wondrous moments of beauty and grace. Don’t take this as a sign that everything will be effortless from here on out. Accept it as a gift, a sign that sweetness can find you even in the strangest of times.

Life these days feels like it’s out of your control. You’ve been forced to juggle a lot more than you can comfortably handle and are always afraid you’ll screw up or fall behind. Sure, there’s a thrill and satisfaction in pushing your limits, but you can only do that for so long. There are limits to how much you can balance and how long you can sprint. Take a moment this week to breathe and find some support. Give yourself the chance to rest, rediscover your limits and make time for yourself.

Certain people around you seem happy to live in a world of fantasy and wishful thinking, but you refuse to pretend everything is fine when it isn’t. You can’t convince yourself that the prospects are any better than your logic would suggest. You’re stuck here living in the real world, and it feels like a curse at times. This week, however, try to recognize that it is also a gift. They know what needs to be done to bring about real change. It’s not so easy to be fooled by appearances. And when beauty or kindness moves you, you can’t trust it’s real.

Maybe you’re stuck in the mindset that you have to wait for conditions to improve before you can really start living. As soon as things calm down at work or when you meet someone special, tell yourself that you will get out more. You will have more fun. Once you start feeling better in any way — if you start exercising, meditating, or getting up early — everything will be different. Your task this week is to stop waiting for an ideal future version of your life (or yourself) and instead focus on the present. Yes the world is a mess and yes your life is imperfect but it is yours and it is up to you to make the best of it.

Lately you try to take it slow so as not to get carried away by a new project or passion. You were afraid of making mistakes, so you tried to be careful and go step by step. It was probably excruciating; You would so much rather rush in wildly and see what happens. This week, though, you’ll be surprised that moving slowly can also be fun. There’s an exciting anticipation, a thrill of embracing the ride and trusting that things will turn out beautifully, just the way they’re supposed to.

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Read the weekly horoscopes for the week of May 8th. The weekly horoscopes for the week of May 22nd will be online next Sunday.

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