Wesley Safadao was the attraction of Garota Vip in São Paulo last Saturday night. The event brought together celebrities and former participants of “A Fazenda”. Among the famous and among the celebrities deolane was mocked by the singer, who poked fun at the subcelebrity’s cancellation.
“Speak up, doctor. I wanted to invite you to the farm there, but I won’t do it, your experience on the farm was not good and I will cancel the invitation,” he joked. wesley Notice of Advocate’s participation prior to withdrawal from the program. “Farms suck,” shot deolane🇧🇷
At the same event, Dayanne Bezerra, Deolane’s sister, got caught up in a new mess.
The lawyer, who strives for media and visibility through polemics and fights, helped with demonstrations in the headquarters of “A Fazenda” to take her sister out of the program after the fake farm. Dayanne was spotted in a fight🇧🇷 In the pictures circulating the internet, Dayanne is being held back by her mother, As long as Bezerraas the day dawned VIP girl.