West Bank Israeli settlers burn down Palestinian homes after deadly

West Bank: Israeli settlers burn down Palestinian homes after deadly attack

Calls for calm did not last between Israelis and Palestinians. Israeli settlers literally attacked and set fire to Palestinian buildings and homes in the West Bank town of Huwara near Nablus on Sunday evening. According to the local media, dozens of people were injured.

A few hours after the deaths of two Israeli brothers, killed by a Palestinian, a group of settlers set fire to around fifteen houses and 25 cars in the same village. According to Haaretz, an Israeli daily, nine families had to be evacuated. Settlers also set fire to a house while a Palestinian family was inside, but Israeli security forces reportedly rescued the family from mortal danger.

An Israeli military reserve battalion arrived in Huwara along with firefighters and used riot gear to push the settlers out of the town, according to local media.

In a tweet, the Israeli Prime Minister did not call for justice after the deaths of the two Israeli brothers in the afternoon. “Let the Israel Defense Forces carry out their mission and do not take justice into your own hands; together we will defeat terrorism,” wrote Benjamin Netanyahu.

After an outbreak of violence, delegations from both sides met on Sunday to try to restore calm in the Palestinian Territories and Israel.