Emmanuel Macron and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on Friday in Guangzhou, China. YUE YUEWEI/Xinhua via AFP
The French President says Europe must not “get dragged into crises that are not its own”.
As in 2019 with his verdict on NATO “brain death”, Emmanuel Macron unleashed a storm among his allies on his return from China, who accuse him of breaking transatlantic solidarity. Speaking to journalists, he fears that Europe “is being dragged into crises that are not its own,” as in Taiwan, and is beginning to “follow American politics through a kind of panic reflex,” said the French president, who has always done so has defended a “third way” for the continent in the region, questions France’s stance in the event of a Chinese war in Taiwan.
“The question we Europeans are asking is this. Do we have an interest in accelerating the Taiwan issue? NO. The worst thing would be to think that we Europeans should follow suit on this issue, adapting to the American rhythm and a Chinese overreaction. The French President also said that Europe must reduce its dependence on the United States
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