Alessandro Gonzato April 03, 2022
Overwhelmed with criticism. Sperm acchiato. Enrico Letta, on social media, hits her like a slap. The verbal match initiated by Michel Santoro ends with a technical KO. The Cazzottoni don’t come from the teletribune, which hasn’t gone under, but from users, from the internet, from people, even from many current or former voters. Sometimes it’s overthetop hooks, unlawful recordings worthy of censure and censorship, others are lucid analysis (oddly so in the case of comments via Facebook and Twitter), and for the most part it’s ridicule that the recipient can’t resist for lack of guns…in fact of arguments. It has happened that the leftwing Totem journalist, once aroused by antiBerlusconi, has accused Letta and the Democratic Party of becoming slaves to US politics (“Biden doesn’t want peace”) and of not keeping his mouth shut in front of anyone on the Russian side to want. The Ukrainian conflict is not related to dominant thinking.
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It’s honestly hard not to agree with Santoro on this one. He then added that he believed Europe should find a way of dealing with Vladimir Putin “so as not to risk nuclear war,” a concept that the former Paris professor doesn’t like and that is breaking the left. Letta angrily responded to the TV pipeline on his Facebook page, attacking the usual 80yearold Pippotto: “Dear Michele, in your long and impassioned letter I searched for one word and couldn’t find it: ‘resistance’. The founding value of our republic, the hallmark of the affair of the Italian left ». Santoro, in turn, responded that “Letta published an unaccountable response” to his letter and that he had “no problem” in treating it personally, “with the utmost respect and in the manner he considered most appropriate.” Resistance: Letta’s slogan. “But who do you want to resist when it comes to the atomic bomb!” commented one user, Alessandro Fiorani, and dozens of them like him.
Over 3,500, at the time of writing, the comments that add up those of the individual pages of Letta and Santoro. “If the attack on the resistance was a push,” wrote Umberto Napoli, “I would say that you hit the wrong target, it causes more anger than sympathy, after all it is very difficult for Letta to warm tempers.” . It’s Roberto Michelangeli’s turn: “Enrico, you could have answered the point instead of relying on the usual paraculissima rhetoric.” Luca Cerri: “It is surprising that Letta is only now realizing that Putin is “slightly” undemocratic. However, it is absurd for a party like the Democratic Party to advocate increasing defense spending. Unfortunately, Letta is out of time and out of any leftwing logic ». Dario Trivelli, again on Letta: “Scrolling through his sad period, the portrait of what his secretariat represents appears more than ever: an aseptic party, an empty container of men and words, unfortunately without ideas.” Tonino Pulligheddu, after Having read the text published by the DE secretary, he rejects it as follows: “Disarming superficiality”. For Maria, Latvian thinking is “a jumble of clichés. Gai Claudia: «Hello Pd, never again». It should be noted that many negative comments are posted on Letta’s profile, and it is well known that most politicians (but certainly not Letta) have their social media managers hire their social media managers to remove most of the negative reviews. In these circumstances it would be impossible, so much is the river. Rai councilor Riccardo Laganà stated that “he cannot ignore Santoro’s words on the current public service offering”. Mediaset journalist Paolo Del Debbio reiterated that he had no “single vision” and that he gave a voice to “everyone”.