What are Asia Argento and Ambra Angiolini doing Photo with

What are Asia Argento and Ambra Angiolini doing? Photo with dedication on Instagram La Gazzetta dello Sport

What happens between Asia Argento and Ambra Angiolini? After the mysterious post on Instagram, the assumption of a TV series with the two actresses is spreading

The friendship you don’t expect, the one between Ambergris Angiolini and Asia Argento, made official by the two actresses with a post on Instagram shared on their respective official accounts. Accompanying the recording is a celebration of that meeting: “AA & AA She is all the travel I haven’t taken and everything that hasn’t happened, all the talent I don’t have, all the fragility I face.” fight, and … vice versa “.

Friendship yes, but there’s something else cooking in the pot too. Lying on a bed, Ambra Angiolini and Asia Argento wear the same color and have used a hashtag that looks like this in the two posts on Instagram anticipate an ongoing project#In Progress.

Ambra Angiolini and Asia Argento in a TV series?

To reveal something more, Adnkronos thought about it a TV series that could see the two actresses as absolute protagonists. Everything is still top secret and the Instagram post contains all the references to mark the start of an advertising campaign, but the newspaper also reckons the series in the works could end up on Prime Video.

Asia Argento’s dedication to Ambra Angiolini

Among the comments on the post on Instagram, that of Asia Argento himself stands out, a real admiration to Ambra Angiolini: It’s unbelievable to have just met you now. After a lifetime of admiring you, we hear how others compare us to us. You the naughty teenager, I the rebel! Maybe it’s true that we’re specular and I see you as the best part of me, the stronger, the wiser. It feels like I’ve known you forever, but I’m grateful to have met you at this point in my life. You are precious and I am holding you.”

Ambra responded to the comment with “and vice versa,” two words that recur frequently in the comments on the two actresses’ posts and that could be a clear reference to the title of the TV series, which Adnkronos says is already being filmed. After this mysterious announcement, we can swear that a few more details shouldn’t be long in coming.

February 01, 2023 – 2:52 p.m