What are the risks of the war between Israel and

What are the risks of the war between Israel and Hamas escalating into a regional conflict? G1

Bombs kill 95 people and injure 211 others at a ceremony in Iran

Three serious episodes suggest that the IsraelHamas war is expanding into a regional conflict in the Middle East.

The killing of Saleh alArouri, a senior Hamas leader, in a Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut has been attributed to Israel. The two mysterious explosions in Iran left 95 dead during tributes marking the fourth anniversary of the death of Qassem Soleimani, the powerful commander of the Revolutionary Guard. And finally, the warning from 12 countries, led by the US, to the Houthi rebels in Yemensupported by Iran, about the successive naval attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

His killing could institutionalize the expansion of the war to countries where Hamas leaders live, such as Lebanon, Qatar and Turkey.

The Israeli government did not take responsibility for the attack in Beirut; The surgical aspect reflects an approach the country has used in other killings Preventive measures against your enemies.

Since the Hamas massacre on Israeli soil in October and the subsequent invasion of the Gaza Strip Hezbollah, with the support of Iran, has supported the Palestinian groupthrough daily attacks on Israel's northern border.

It is estimated that Hezbollah has an arsenal of 150,000 rockets hidden in southern Lebanon, with a capacity infinitely greater than that of Hamas.

But so far the group has measured the scale of its attacks, limiting itself to the border so as not to drag Lebanon into war. The last time this happened in 2006, the consequences for the country were catastrophic.

Arouri's assassination on Lebanese territory has the potential to change Hezbollah's strategy. However, initial comments from the group's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, allayed fears of imminent retaliation and suggested that neither the Lebanese group nor Iran intended to engage in open war with Israel.

O The Iranian regime was quick to point the finger at its American and Israeli enemies after the two explosions at the memorial of Soleimani, who was killed in a US drone strike four years ago. Judging by the reaction in Israel, they are Speculation is not taken seriously, again due to the nature of the attackwhich was aimed at a crowd rather than a specific target.

As defense analyst Amos Harel of the Haaretz newspaper attested, the explosions in Iran were not the work of Israel: “The signs point to an attack by the Islamic State movement or one of the radical factions of the Sunni Muslim opposition.” This held the Iranians Authorities did not stop from blaming Israel, but their words did not seem particularly convincing.”

In any case, the murder of Arouri in Lebanon and the terrorist attack in Iran are increasing tensions in the Middle East increase the likelihood of the conflict spreading. The relocation of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip signals that the The focus of the war has shifted to the north of the country and is more focused on attacks on the Hamas network outside Palestinian areas and thus also his supporters in Hezbollah and Iran.

1 in 1 building was hit by a drone strike on January 2, 2024 in Daniyeh, a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon. — Photo: Mohamed Azakir/ Portal Building was hit by a drone strike in Daniyeh, a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, on January 2, 2024. — Photo: Mohamed Azakir/ Portal