What did he say Carlos Zambranos brother joked about the

What did he say? Carlos Zambrano’s brother joked about the fight between the “Kaiser” and Darío Benedetto

The meeting between Boca Juniors vs Race to the 13th date of the Argentine professional league 2022 caused a lot of controversy that went viral. Marcos Zambrano, brother of the Peru national team defender, was looking forward to the intense game and came to see his brother come back from the break.

What happened? Before the start of the second half, Zambrano was spotted with a swollen cheekbone. Sebastian “Chicken” Vignolo highlighted this fact. “Zambrano looks good there when the first half is over. In the second half, Boca’s central defender seemed “marked”. With this in mind, journalist Morena Beltrán pointed out that “there was a cross with Benedetto going up the sleeve (into the dressing room)”. Coach Xeneize Ibarra confirmed this at the end of the game.

Lazy loaded component

After the session ends, the names of Carlo Zambrano j Dario Benedetto They became a Twitter trend. At the time, Marcos Zambrano made an ironic publication about what happened. “I’ve never seen so many photos and so many videos of my brother after a game, and they hardly ever hit him,” said the brother of the ‘Leon’.

Zambrano’s brother. Photo: Twitter recording

What did Carlos Zambrano say after the fight with Benedetto?

Minutes after the end of the game, amid a controversy surrounding an unclaimed penalty in favor of Boca Juniors, the “Kaiser” took to Twitter. “Complicated game but the group’s ‘delivery’ is non-negotiable,” he said. Afterward, fans began to question why he emphasized the word “delivery” and why he didn’t reply “Pipa” Benedetto.

Carlo Zambrano. Photo: Twitter recording