What does Chiara Ferragni do in the office of one

What does Chiara Ferragni do in the office of one of Italy's most famous divorce lawyers?

It's not a good time for Chiara Ferragni. The storm hit the digital entrepreneur in mid-December last year, when the cartel office announced a fine of one million euros against her company because of the controversial Balocco-Pandoro affair, which is now – together with Balocco – the Milan public prosecutor's office investigating her for serious fraud. At stake are relationships between charities, commercial agreements and proper communication to consumers and followers.

Since then, the Ferragni empire has faltered: A violent and out-of-control shitstorm has hit Italy's first influencer and shows no signs of abating. Some commercial deals between the 37-year-old and various brands have fallen through, other sponsorships related to charity initiatives have been called into question and even the number of her followers (a record 29.5 million) has been called into question amid fake news and bad interpretations. In summary, The Ferragni affair has gotten bigger (too much?) And she has become Italy's greatest enemy, the scapegoat, the tip of the iceberg, the way to question the entire influencer system. The Fall of the Gods.

In the meantime, Chiara ran for cover, and turned to a task force of professionals, including business and administrative law firms as well as old-fashioned corporate communications experts. So he silenced his social networks for a while, leaving room for official notes and then tentative attempts to return to online life with smiling children and posts with no comment option. In short, the opposite of “Power of Sharing” his workhorse. But in difficult times everything can change.

And as the wind continues to batter his empire, he too seems to be suffering his love life. In fact, there have been rumors for weeks about a family crisis and about “very troubled relationships” between her and her husband Fedez. It seems you didn't appreciate his recent outbursts against the press because you were in the middle of putting out the fire. But that would be it the famous last drop of an already full vase. Furthermore, it is not the first time that there has been talk of a crisis between the two. We all remember the last Sanremo: she was the protagonist on stage, the kiss between the rapper and Rosa Chemical, the “stolen spotlight” and the silence of the following weeks, up to the family reality series The Ferragnez, which the background of showed a crisis that then subsided. But now, as sources close to Vanity Fair report, the matter would be more serious.

On the afternoon of January 19th Chiara Ferragni was seen entering the building in Milan's Porta Venezia district that houses the office of one of Italy's most famous divorce lawyers. Chiara arrived alone, accompanied by her driver, and disappeared behind a large door. What happened within these walls is not and will not be public, at least for now. We have all always wanted a happily ever after for Chiara Ferragni and Fedez, who have been married since September 2018. And that's still the case.